Thursday 29 March

End of Term 1 - 2.30 pm Finish


Monday 16 April



Wednesday 18 April

Top Arts - NGV Excursion


Thursday 19 April

Year 12 Study Skills,  Periods 1 - 4


Friday 20 April

Student Free Day - Staff Professional Development Day 


Wednesday 25 April



Thursday 26 April

Year 11 Study Skills, Periods 1 - 4


Please also refer to the Senior School Calendar on the school website for the full list of important dates/events.

Year 12 Study Skills

Year 12 students will be participating in a Study Skills day on Thursday 19 April from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm. This is a compulsory incursion for all students.


The cost of the day is $30.  The cost covers two sessions, booklets and lunch afterwards.


The sessions cover strategies on note taking, time management, recall strategies, exam techniques, organisation and many other areas.


Consent and payment is due by Monday 16 April. This can be paid online or to the Main Office.

Year 11 Study Skills

Students in Year 11 will be completing a Study Skills session on Thursday 26 April.   This is a compulsory incursion for all Year 11 students, including VCAL students.


Students will be provided with lunch and are required at normal school times in full school uniform.   The program runs from Periods 1-4 and then classes return as per normal for Periods 5 and 6.


Consent and payment of $30 are due by Monday 23 April and can be paid online or to the Main Office.


Easter Activities

We have an Easter colouring competition happening currently for all of our VCE students. You can collect a copy from the VCE Office and enjoy some mindful colouring with the chance of winning a yummy prize.


Thanks to Siobhan Taylor, one of our Arts Captains, for the beautiful artwork. These are due in to the VCE office on Monday 26 April.


There will also be an Easter Egg Hunt occurring for all VCE students during recess on the final day of Term 1,  Thursday 29  March.

Year 11 Peer Support

Our Year 11 Peer Support leaders have been doing a fantastic job working with the Year 7 students during Year 7 Community Time.


This fortnight the leaders were involved in running sessions on gender stereotypes. The students developed ways in which to be more aware of one-another in the school community.

Mindful Mornings

VCE Points!

Mindful mornings are still happening every morning at Steamworks from 8.10 am - 8.20 am.

Come down to Steamworks and enjoy a relaxing start to your morning. 

VCE students will receive one point for every session they attend, so make sure that you put your name down when you drop in.

Year 11 Captains' Report

Starting VCE has been a new experience for everyone. We have all had to adapt to the new amount of study we must undertake that comes along with being in VCE. Many people found that the journey, though difficult, was manageable and have found that they have been able to broaden their horizons, in terms of how to apply themselves to their schoolwork. 

In the past couple of weeks, a select group of Year 11's participated in a weekly activity called “Peer Support” where groups of Year 11's were tasked with helping to guide the Year 7's  through their journey between primary and high school.  It was a challenging experience as working with young kids and trying to teach them about serious matters is never easy. However, all of the Year 11 students who participated in the activity all learned some new skills about how to interact with young people and form a connection with people.


All of the Year 11 students hope that they made a positive impact on the new students and we hope that the transition to high school was made even more enjoyable.


Benson Rowntree and Chloe Saunders


A reminder that if your child misses a School Assessed Coursework (SAC) they must get a medical certificate to enable them to sit the SAC in the next available IPT time slot.


Students will not be granted SAC redemption unless they have a medical certificate or it is a school-approved absence. If there are extenuating circumstances please let us know and we will make a decision based on the VCAA guidelines.


Once a student has been approved for SAC redemption, they will be required to sit the SAC the next available time slot.

Absences on COMPASS

Any absences from school must be parent/guardian approved.  You can do this through a signed note or you can approve your child’s absences via the Parent Approval Button on Compass. 


You can also use Compass to view your student’s past absences. 

VCE Coordinators