Three Way Conferences

Thank you to those parents, guardians and students who attended the recent  Three  Way Conferencing held on March 15.


The opportunity to meet parents and exchange information is important to us to ensure we can establish a partnership that enables students to succeed at school.


The next Three Way Conferences will be held in Term 3, however, the teaching staff are always available to be contacted either by email, phone call or through the Year Level Coordinators.

Learning Conversations

Over the past few weeks Ms Timmers, Mr Taylor, Ms McMillan and I have been meeting with pairs of Year 9 students to get some insight into how they are enjoying their subjects and if they need support or extension with their learning.


The conversations have included; how they believe they are progressing in all of their subjects with particular focus on English and Maths, and how they are enjoying school.  




The students have been very insightful and forthcoming in providing feedback.  It has been a great opportunity to get to know the students and their interests and aspirations. 

School Review

Every 4 years all government schools undertake a review that enables us to examine;

  • What we set out to achieve 4 years ago.
  • What we have achieved.
  • What we didn’t achieved and what the barriers were.
  • What will be important for our next Strategic Plan.

The review will take place in Term 2.  In preparation, we are currently undertaking a pre review self evaluation, that enables us to take the review forward.  This pre review, requires consultation with the community, which we are currently organising; the student consultation took place this week.

Mobile Phone Policy

Over the years we have maintained the 'Mobile Phone Policy' that bans the use of phones whilst at school. Our focus is on learning and social interactions without the use of phones.


In the case of emergencies, staff must be able to discharge their duty of care according to department guidelines i.e;


'Whilst students are at school they are in the care of school staff, when there is an issue or emergency at school it is incumbent upon staff to be able to deal with it'.


This is sometimes difficult when students directly contact parents rather than speaking with Co-ordinators who are always happy to call parents for the student concerned.


Please don’t encourage your child to contact you during school hours – any student who is in need of assistance for any reason, must report to the Sub School Offices. In the case of medical issues, students must report to Sick Bay.


Thank you for your assistance with this in advance.

Year 7 Community Time

I had the absolute pleasure of attending an assembly this afternoon with our Year 7 students during which the Home Group Representatives relayed the achievements of their classmates, both in and outside of school.


I was amazed at the achievements of our students! Congratulations to the  representatives for their efforts in collating the information and to the students for their achievements.


I also congratulated the year level on the way in which they have settled into high school and are going about their schoolwork and getting involved in the wider school initiatives – a great start!

Wendy Powson
