Student Services

Rob Webb and Jane Robbins are the Student Wellbeing Coordinators for 2017.


If your son or daughter is struggling with any issues either at home or at school, they are welcome to make an appointment to speak to Rob or Jane.  They can do so either in person or through their Coordinators.


Parents and guardians are also welcome to contact us directly with any concerns they may have.

Breakfast Club

Junior School Deck

Friday mornings

7:30 am – 8:30 am

All students WELCOME

Start the day with a yummy breakfast, some fun and games or just a chat.  

Cyber Safety Tips!

Tip 1

Create a Family Online Safety Contract

One way to encourage a discussion on Cyber Safety with young people is by creating a family contract together.    


This way everyone knows what is expected of them when they are using the internet; including mobile phones, tablets and other devices. 


For more information see;


Keep an eye on Compass for more Cyber Safety Tips.


Thank you to everyone who attended the production of “Cyberia” – Cyber Safety on Tuesday night.  We hope you found it useful in opening up honest conversations with our youth about Cyber Safety and awareness.



We would love to hear your feedback.  Please email it through to:


Student Services