Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

Last Thursday the Eglinton debating team competed in a virtual debate against Bathurst Public School. The topic was 'Kids under 12 should only be allowed online when a grown up is with them' with Eglinton on the negative team. Willow, Shreya, Clara and Millie did our school proud winning the debate and will now come up against Blayney Public before the end of Term 2. We wish them all the best in the next debate.


On Friday Eglinton hosted the Deputy Secretary Schools Performance North - Cathy Brennan. Cathy spoke to our School Leaders and Junior AECG Leaders about school life, and our Eglinton story. After participating in a number talk with a Stage 2 class, Cathy enjoyed a tour around the Stage 2 garden with the students. As we walked around the school, I had the opportunity to speak with Cathy about some of the wonderful programs we have in place at Eglinton. 


This Friday 16th June, Eglinton will host the Junior and Senior Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) meetings. Our student AECG Representatives will attend the meeting alongside students from other schools. The Junior Meeting will be from 10:30am to 12:00pm. Students will then have lunch together from 12:00pm to 1:00pm in the Library & Cultural Garden. We will have the pleasure of hosting representatives from other schools for the Senior Meeting from 1:00pm to 2:30pm.


Semester 1 Student Reports - These reports will be available to parents on your Sentral Parent Portal at the end of the day on the 23rd of June. The reports will not be sent home as a hard copy. If you would like a hard copy of your child's report, please speak to the class teacher or contact the school and one will be printed for you.



  • OOSH drop off and pick up - Please follow the route Zali has provided you to access the OOSH building in the mornings and afternoons. I understand that it is a fair distance from the main school gate, but this route has been mapped out as the safest way to pick up and drop off students. Parents also need reminding that when you have picked up your child/children you must exit the school grounds and not remain on school grounds to use the facilities. 
  • Parking is again becoming a problem at drop off and pick up. Please ensure you park only in areas marked for parking and do not park in no parking zones or bus bay. It is extremely important that we keep our students safe during these busy times.
  • Under the Companion Animals Act 1998 (NSW, Section 14), dogs are prohibited on school grounds unless the Principal grants permission. Reasons why the Principal may grant permission for a dog to be in a school include: Assistance or Service Dogs, visits by organised groups or programs for school incursions and School Support Dogs.


Eglinton Public School attendance as at 15th June 2023

Last Week: 91.3%

This week: 91.1%

Goal: 95%


You can check your child's attendance rate on the Sentral Parents App. Click on their photo, select 'Student Details' and click on 'Attendance'. Our expected student attendance rate is above 95%. To maintain an attendance rate of above 90% a student should have no more than 5 days off a term. 


Thank you for supporting us in reaching our attendance goal. The data above shows our current student attendance for the last week. Please ensure you contact the school via the Sentral Parent Portal if your child has a day off to explain their absence.