Our Values Awards.

You're a Star Awards for Week 7 of Term 2 were awarded at assembly on 9 June :




Responsibility: For always striving to be her best self within the classroom, following instructions and being a role model through her actions.Matylda S        


All 6 Values: For being a kind, enthusiastic and responsible student who always tries her best and is considerate to those around her. Frankie F


Respect: For always showing Respect to his teachers and peers. A fabulous attitude Noah.Noah C-K


Cooperation: For always giving her all in group activities!Jasmine B


Responsibility: For displaying the qualities of a responsible learner and for showing initiative to be of assistance whenever she can. Susie G


Excellence: For consistently striving to achieve your personal best during all learning opportunities by showing determination and positivity.Alex B


Co operation: For striving to do her best but also ensuring those around her are able to achieve. Taylor always works cooperatively with her peers and exhibits kindness. Taylor C


You're a Star Awards for Week 8 of Term 2 were awarded at assembly on 16 June:





Excellence- For making great listening choices and being an awesome and enthusiastic class member!Zach R


Excellence and Responsibility - For always being a focused student, to achieve her best in everything, and being a responsible student at all times.Julia Q


Responsibility and Excellence- For always striving to do her best and having an excellent attitude towards all learning opportunities. Celine S


Responsibility - For being a dedicated and active learner who consistently strives to complete tasks to the best of her ability. Nina D        


Excellence: For being a responsible and diligent learner who makes the most out of every learning opportunity.Siena R


Responsibility and Cooperation- For always being responsible with her class time; staying focused and engaged and working extremely well with others to get the best out of all learning opportunities.        Tammy L


RESPONSIBILITY - For managing a number of different leadership roles and sacrificing several lunchtimes each week to support and assist other students.            Scarlett D