From the Principal

Schools are extremely busy places, and we find ourselves at the end of Term 2 already. The term has consisted of many events: Education Week, Interschool sport, Aerobics, Cross Country, Kinder Visits,  as well as many excursions and incursions. Next term the Grade 4, 5 and 6 children have camp to look forward to, Foundation Grade 1 and 2 students will participate in a sports morning and the Whole School Concert will bring the school community together for a night of entertainment at the Palais Theatre.


Cross Country

Congratulations and well done to Christian B, Audrey H, Cleo N, Eliza A, Eden B, who competed in the regional cross-country last Wednesday.  Christian, Eliza and Eden will compete at the State finals in August. 



The PPS soccer team played St Marks and St Bridget’s on Friday; PPS won both games to win the district final. A great team effort, congratulations. 


Girls AFL Gala Day

Congratulations to the PPS Girls AFL team who came runners up at the District Gala Day on Tuesday.  The girls now progress to the District Gala Day which will be held next term. 


National NAIDOC Week will be celebrated from Sunday 2 July – Sunday 9 July 2023. The theme this year is “For Our Elders”. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate the rich history, diverse cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the oldest continuing cultures on the planet.


Prep/Foundation Enrolments 2024 

Enrolments for 2024 are now open for Foundation/Prep students.  Current families with a child/children commencing Prep in 2024, please ensure you fill out the enrolment form and return to the office.  All enrolments are due by Friday 28th July. 


End of Term 2

The end of Term is tomorrow, Friday 23rd June.  We will hold an assembly at 2:00pm with an early dismissal of 2:30pm.  Children will be dismissed from their classrooms.


We wish all families a relaxing mid-year break, Term 3 begins on Monday 10th July. 


Leanne Bradney
