
This term in reading, the prep students focused on retelling and sequencing a familiar text. The students learnt to identify the main characters in the story (who), where the story happened (setting) and also learnt to retell at least two key events from the story in the correct order following the structure of the beginning, middle and end.
Students continued to learn about making predictions on a text. The students used text clues such as pictures to help assist and prompt them with making a guess about what the story may be about or what might happen next. They also began to use their prior knowledge to discuss what they already know about a topic before reading a text to encourage them with making predictions.
Furthermore, the students learned new vocabulary and reading strategies they can use to help clarify unfamiliar words in a text. For example: Pointing under each word to track what they are reading and looking at the pictures for clues.
In writing, students continued working on writing a recount on an experience that has already happened and utilised the elements of who, what, when and where.
The students learnt how to write an information report about a type of animal and undertook a research process and learnt how to record simple facts about a topic to inform and teach others about what they have learnt.
Later in the term, the prep students focused on persuasive writing where students had the opportunity to express their opinions on certain topics as well as explain their reasons behind why they formed such an opinion.
In Maths, the students engaged in a unit of Length which involved explaining and measuring the length of objects, ordering objects by how long something is and comparing the length of objects.
Students continued working on number recognition and counting from zero to twenty. They learnt to identify these numbers by counting forwards and backwards as well as matching these numbers to quantities.
The students also learnt to use a number of different strategies such as; count out loud, touch and count, move and count, line up count, count on and recount to solve simple worded problems and scenarios.
In Inquiry, the students engaged in a unit about responsible people in our community
We focused on Who are the types of people that can help us and how can people in the community help us? We brainstormed and identified who can help us in certain situations. We learnt about what a police officer, firefighter, paramedic, doctor and nurse, lifeguard, security guard and a veterinarian do in their jobs everyday and the equipment they need. We had a special visit from the fire brigade and learned lots of important information about home fire safety and what to do if a fire starts.
Speaking and Listening
Throughout this term the prep students have had the opportunity to engage in a play based oral language program in our play for learning space. We have been focusing on students' oral language through speaking and listening when engaged with their classmates at the stations.The play for learning space enables the students to practice the language skills they have learnt and build on their expanding vocabulary. W We have a writing area, art studio, kitchen and a construction area for the students to have opportunities to build on language acquisition, early literacy, conceptual learning, problem solving, large and small motor skills and creativity. During play the students are prompted and reminded to speak in full sentences, use manners to ask for things, use an appropriate volume when speaking, discuss what they are doing with a classmate, and share materials and use turn-taking skills.
During Term 2, the Grade Preps have been investigating the weather in our world by learning about different weather conditions, and how they might affect some of the choices we make and the activities we do.
The Preps have been weather detectives whilst monitoring and describing the weather conditions at school, and whilst learning about weather symbols and how they help us to read weather reports. We have investigated how different weather conditions and temperatures affect our choice of clothing, and how weather conditions and temperatures change with each season.
LOTE - Chinese
During Term 2 in Chinese, Prep students learnt basic colours in Chinese, such as 黑色hei se(black),白色bai se(white),红色hong se (red),绿色 (green), 蓝色lan se(Blue)and 黄色 huang se (yellow). They started using iPad game to review the learning. Also Preps continued to learn numbers 1-10 in Chinese characters and pinyin, together with pinyin song and Gongxi Gongxi song.
What a fantastic Term 2, the Preps have had in Art. It has been wonderful to observe the enthusiasm and the growth in the students’ skills and creativity. During the term, the Preps have continued to work on the use of colour and mixing primary colours to make other colours. They have also explored the element of line, which included identifying and naming different types of lines. They have used a variety of lines to create artworks.
The Preps were introduced to indigenous art and learnt how dots, lines and colour are used to tell the story of the art piece. They then created their own art work using these elements and different mediums. With lots of experimenting, exploring and creating, some fabulous works of art have been produced this term!
This term the grade prep students have continued their great start to the year in Physical Education. Students have been working on moving the body and understanding how to control different movements such as running, hopping, skipping, and jumping. Our prep students have worked on dance/music through just dance and other interactive videos which allows them to work on these fundamental movement skills. Teamwork and working with others are some of the things that our grade prep students have been working on. We have played a range of different class games to showcase teamwork and that give each student the opportunity to learn and follow rules. During the second half of the term the grade prep students have developed their throwing and catching skills using different objects and are continuing to work on the correct technique and using the fruit bowl hands. It has been a wonderful term for the grade prep students, and they have all grown so much during the first half of the year. I am looking forward to term 3 and the continued growth and development of each of these students.