Teaching and Learning

Semester 1 Reports

Reports will be released to families in the coming weeks. These are a summative report that provide all of the results of assessment tasks in all subjects from Semester 1. 

We encourage all families to take the time to look over them carefully and analytically; acknowledge the successes, whilst also identifying opportunities and strategies for improvement. 


A new addition to this year's reports are a Positive and Negative Learning Habits percentage for Terms 1 and 2. This percentage aims to provide a general indication of 

how students are performing as learners in their classes. These are calculated by aggregating Learning Habits from all classes and identifying what percentage are Positive (Commendable and Excellent) and those that are Negative (Unacceptable and Below Expectations). 


Learning Habits judged to be ‘Minimum Standard’ are neither positive nor negative and, as such, the scores won't add up to 100%. Positive Habits above 80% are to be commended; Negative Habits above 20% are cause for concern.


All assessments in the Summative Report are available in real time via the Parent Access Module (PAM). There is additional information on here, including comments and the rubrics used in assessment. As this feedback is more timely than an ‘End of Semester’ Report, parents and carers are encouraged to access it regularly.


If you have any issues with PAM, including accessing it, please contact the PAM Helpdesk on pamsupport@stbedes.catholic.edu.au

Subject Selection Information

Early in Term 3, the process of selecting Subjects for 2024 begins. This is quite an involved, exciting and thought-provoking process, particularly for the students transitioning into Years 10 and 11. 


As always, we will support all students with helpful information and advice to help them make well-informed and considered decisions, which will be shared during assemblies and meetings with relevant staff across Terms 3 and into Term 4, as well as two events that Parents and Carers can also attend in July. Whilst more information will be provided closer to the events, please note these key dates:

  • Senior Pathways Information Evening (Yr 11 2024) 
    Tuesday 18 July, St Bede’s College Sports Stadium
    Mentone Campus
  • Yr 10 2024 Information Evening 
    Thursday 20 July, St Bede’s College Hall 
    Mentone Campus

For Year 9 2024, information regarding subject selections will be delivered online, with details provided at a later date, whilst Year 8 will be via communication sent to each household. 


These too will be supported by assemblies at the College. If at any stage throughout this process in Term 3 you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us here at the College. 


Brenden Mair

Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning