Faith and Mission 

Indigenous Immersion Experience

Our group of Year 10 Students has just completed their travels from Broome to Balgo, and volunteering with staff and students at Luurnpa Catholic School in remote Western Australia, located in the Wirrimanu Community of Balgo Hills.


The vibrant Balgo community is multicultural and multilingual, with several language groups, including Kukatja, Djaru and Walmajarr to name a few. Our participants worked with Luurnpa's K- Year 10 students in the classroom and developing after school programs, such as sporting activities.


The Students kept a daily journal, published on the blog about this incredible cultural and community experience, which can be viewedhere.


Many thanks to our 2023 Student participants:

Hugh Cummings

Rueben O'Reilly

Oliver McDonnell 

Liam Kiernan

Oliver McDonald 

William Moser

Flynn Sichlau

Maxwell Quirk


If your child would like to be involved in 2024's Immersion Experience for Year 10 Students, please reach out to:

Ria Greene 



Ria Greene

Deputy Principal - Faith and Mission  

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

Bentleigh East 

Our Class Captains are working with Ms O’Neill and Mr Wood to organise student collections of food items and warm clothing for the annual Winter Appeal. Thank you for your generosity to help those less fortunate in our community. 


Items will be donated for distribution by our local St Vincent de Paul Conferences. 

We are accepting donations until the Term 3, Week 2. 


Stephen Pooley 

Campus Director - Bentleigh East