Thrive & Flourish

Welcome to Term Three

The weather has been up and down, frost, sun, wind and rain.  As we navigate the daily chores, school life and work – how do manage to keep sane? We need to make sure that we take time to tend to ourselves and take time to slow and tend to the important things in life – OUR FAMILY.

Let's tackle a common challenge faced by many: work-life balance. Juggling work and family responsibilities can sometimes feel like a daunting task, but remember, you have the power to create a harmonious balance.

  1. Set boundaries. Establish clear boundaries between your work life and personal life. Define specific working hours and strive to separate work-related activities from your family time.
  2. Schedule quality family time. Dedicate uninterrupted time to be fully present with your family. Whether it's having dinner together, going for outings, or engaging in fun activities, cherish these moments and make them a priority.
  3. Practise self-care. Taking care of yourself is crucial for maintaining balance. Prioritise self-care activities such as exercise, hobbies, relaxation, and mindfulness. Remember, when you prioritise self-care, you're better equipped to take care of others.

Finding the right balance may require some experimentation and adjustment. Be patient with yourself and remember that it's an ongoing process.


Do you have an e-Safe home?


How can I keep my child safe online?

How do I know if my child is using safe practices online when I’m not around?

How do I tell if my child is spending too much time using technology?


In a world driven by technology, eSafety is a challenging and often concerning topic for parents and carers. While it’s impractical, and frankly impossible for parents to supervise children online 24/7, parents play an important role in teaching children safe practices and setting boundaries for safe technology use.

eSafety is important for young people of all ages, and latest research recommends parents and carers start discussing eSafety with children from a young age – under five years old!


So what are some of the challenges around eSafety, and what are some ways parents can support and encourage safe technology use for their children?


The challenges

There are many challenges surrounding eSafety, and it’s important for parents, children and young people to have an understanding of these challenges and how to deal with them when they arise.

Some of the key issues and challenges regarding eSafety include:

  • Cyberbullying 
  • Privacy - Maintaining privacy, and setting boundaries regarding the sharing of personal information or images (e.g. sharing names, location, or explicit photos)
  • Online behaviour - Maintaining respectful communication, and what to do when disrespectful or concerning communication is experienced (e.g. inappropriate language use, or grooming)
  • Time spent online / using technology
  • Content viewed - Understanding whether your child is old enough for specific content or technology use, and identifying misleading and age-inappropriate content
  • Online gaming and social media - Where all of the challenges above can come into play!

Encouraging safe technology use

Learning about eSafety can feel overwhelming, but parents and carers don’t have to be experts in technology to improve the eSafety of their children.

To improve your children’s safe use of technology, parents and carers should: 

Be open and supportive 

  • Let your child know that they can come to you with any concerns, and that you won’t cut off internet or technology access if they tell you they’ve felt unsafe online. Children and young people are less likely to talk to their parents about eSafety concerns if they feel that they’ll be punished for it.
  • Openly discuss and talk about your child’s favourite games, social media, or other ways they use technology. Show interest and curiosity, and perhaps you might even offer to play a video/mobile game together.
  • Ask about who they’re spending time with online, and get to learn about them. This is a great way to start conversation with your child, and open up discussion for any concerns they may be experiencing with their online friendships. 

Be clear

  • It’s important to set rules and boundaries for safe technology use. But it’s also important that you work WITH your child rather than against them. Establish rules together, and discuss why these rules are important for their safety and for others. Rules can encompass how long technology is used for, online behaviour, and sharing of personal information. 
  • Provide guidelines for safe technology use. You might establish an agreement for websites and apps that are safe for your child to use. You might also discuss what to do if your child is concerned about an online experience or if something has made them feel unsafe or uncertain.

Foster learning

  • Children and young people are constantly learning, and making mistakes (or breaking rules!) is a normal part of development. If you feel that your child is using unsafe technology/online practices, discuss this with them calmly and use this as an opportunity for learning. You might talk about ways they could have handled the situation in a safe manner, and revisit or update any eSafety rules and guidelines you have in your household.
  • Provide eSafety information for your child that they can explore if they want to learn more or find help. The eSafety Commissioner is a great website with age-appropriate support for kids and young people, and plenty of tips for parents too.

While ensuring eSafety in your household may be challenging at first, cultivating an open and engaged relationship with your child is a great step to ensure they can come to you with any concerns.

And being attentive to your child’s behaviours (both on and offline) can also help to identify unsafe situations early – for example, changes in your child’s behaviour due to cyberbullying.


For more information see refer to the eSafety Commissioner website: eSafety Commissioner

Liam's Joke of the Week


Q: How do you make a tissue dance?

A: Put a boogie in it!



Keep safe. Stay well. Slow down.


Niente Senza Gioia


Pastoral Wellbeing Leader