Learning and Teaching
Learning & Teaching
Year 1 Healy Star Awards
This term we have immersed ourselves in our investigation “Change” and discovered how our world has changed over time. We have made links across curriculum areas to embed our learning, culminating in a PPF project (Past, Present, Future) showing our learning on a topic of interest. We are looking forward to sharing our learning in tomorrow’s Learning Expo.
In Literacy, we have been enjoying reading our shared text “Charlotte’s Web” by EB White. We are exploring the rich vocabulary of the text and making connections to ourselves, to our world and to other texts. We have been working on comprehension tasks to help us visualise, summarise and answer questions about the text in collaborative groups. We look forward to finishing the book next term and watching the film.
Year 6
This term, students have been exploring Earth and Space Science. While investigating, we ventured down the path of natural disasters, researching how, where and why they occur. Students then chose a natural disaster of interest to investigate further. If you are able to attend our Learning Expo tomorrow, you will see many dioramas, posters and Google Slide presentations showcasing our new learning.