Cebula Boarding

Boarding News

It’s been a busy final week of term for the boys with subject selection interviews, Ancient World Expo, outdoor ed camps, House Music Eisteddfod, Basketball finals and an array of weekend and extracurricular activities. I know that they are all well and truly looking forward to some downtime at home with family and friends and I wish everyone a fantastic break. Reports will be available in the coming days and I urge you to spend some time discussing these with your sons prior to the parent teacher interviews on 18 July. 


NAIDOC Week events have been on the agenda, and it has been wonderful seeing all the boys celebrate our Aboriginal and Torres Islander boarders throughout the week. We have enjoyed an indigenous inspired menu, hosted morning tea for the staff and enjoyed a didgeridoo concert and talk on indigenous artefacts and bush medicine. 


The week culminated with an assembly, where the students all walked through a smoking ceremony and at which the first indigenous member of parliament was our guest speaker. Mrs Carol Martin OAM shared a little about her life and gave the boys some wonderful life advice about taking risks and not being afraid to try your hand at a variety of things. Mrs Martin also worked on an art piece with several of our students which, when complete, will take pride of place in the boarding house. We thank Binthart Resources for sponsoring Mrs Martin’s visit to the College.

I want to thank the boys for their efforts in Semester One and you, their parents, for your continued support of our boarding community. 


We look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday July 18th when boarding will reopen at 3:00pm. School commences on Wednesday July 19th.  


Annamaria Cream

Director of Boarding