PrepCharlie Collaborative LearnerCharlie is always such a wonderful partner to everybody in his class and is so great at working with other children. He has excellent problem-solving skills and is always available to offer help and support to his team. Way to go, Charlie!



Mila Collaborative Learner. For your kind and caring approach to all group work. Mila, you work beautifully with all members of our class. You work collaboratively with your peers to make sure everyone is included. Mila you were so helpful during our class kahoot as you were a fantastic role model and helper.  Keep up the great work! 



LeahResilient LearnerFor your remarkable resilience, strength and adapdability as you have started here at your new school, St Joseph's. You have shown determination, a positive attitude and ability to overcome challenges. Your resilience in navigating a new school environment, making new friends and embracing new learning opportunities has been amazing to see. 
Middle KFrankie Creative LearnerFor your stunning creativity throughout our entire Poetry unit. You constantly look for interesting ways to present your writing and strive to make each piece of work the very best it can be. I have looked forward to seeing what you create each week and am so proud of the hard work you have put in. Well done!



Yasmin Self-aware Learner For your attentiveness during class discussions and fantastic participation during small group learning. When thinking of ideas for writing a simile poem, you showed impressive focus and asked questions to clarify your understanding. Your hard work resulted in a wonderful poem with some great similes! Well done Yasi!
Senior BSiennaDetermined LearnerFor your determination and perseverance when competing in Cross Country. Your hard work and drive to succeed have ensured that you have progressed through multiple stages to reach the regional level. Congratulations Sienna, you should be proud of your achievements and for representing our school!



Zia  Creative LearnerFor your beautiful creativity throughout all learning areas. You have displayed a keen eye for detail throughout your Inquiry ‘Travel Guides’ project and I am so excited to see your final product. In maths, you have proven to be creative with your robot design and how you measured your shoe distance with our measurement converting task. Keep up all the fantastic work, Zia!
ChineseDaniel Determined LearnerDemonstrating increasing courage in whatever situation has occurred, refocusing on class activities, and consistently completing any assigned tasks with a high standard. 






Student NameAwardReason
PrepKabo RakateResilient Learner

Kabo has done a wonderful job of settling into Prep these past few days at school. He has shown determination, enthusiasm and resilience in the way he has made friends with his classmates and gotten to know his teachers. It's been a big change for Kabo coming to a new country and a new school and we think he’s doing an amazing job! Well done, Kabo!

Junior GFreya Resilient LearnerFreya you are a kind, considerate and enthusiastic  member of Junior G and we are so lucky that you have joined us this term. Your positive outlook and resilience have allowed you to give everything a go. You have settled in so well to the St Joseph’s community and I can’t wait to witness all you achieve this term. Congratulations, Freya :) 
Junior AClaudiaResilientClaudia you have made a fantastic effort settling into the St Joseph’s community. You have shown resilience through your positive attitude and willingness to give things a go with a smile on your face. Well done Claudia, keep it up!
Middle LJoel AlexeyefiResponsibleFor the incredible effort you have put into planning your Learner Qualities workshop. You have taken on the responsibility of planning the activity by yourself and have worked hard to ensure it will be entertaining and engaging. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see you lead the activities for our Junior Students!
Middle JHamish SmithResponsible For being such an incredible helper this first week back. You have eagerly accepted extra jobs around the school with positivity and efficiency. You did a fantastic job helping Miss Sarah with the Kinder visit and it has shown your strengths as a leader and responsible member of St Joseph’s. Well done Hamish!
Senior BJacob RajabResponsibleFor the dedication you showed during our Debating Incursion. You were eager to learn and show off your debating skills, as well as help others to formulate their arguments. Awesome work, Jacob! Keep it up!
Senior LMella DouniasRespectfulFor being a respectful member of the Senior Community during our Debating Incursion and Parliament House Excursion. You participated excellently in both events and demonstrated a positive attitude in your learning. Keep up all the fantastic work, Mella! Well done!
Visual ArtsJack Goldsmith



For his determined effort to complete his paper mache lantern. Jack was focussed during the instruction time and worked really hard to finish all the layers needed. He then had some extra time to help out with his sister Zara’s lantern. He chose colours she liked and worked purposefully and thoughtfully through our lesson. Well done Jack and keep up the great effort. 
PESenior LCollaborative Learnerworking cooperatively with others. You worked well with others in a team during our game of SURVIVAL KICKBALL. You supported others with words of encouragement and cheered each other in a positive manner. As well as accepting the umpire’s decisions gracefully and without complaint.
STEMJunior GCurious Learnerasking penetrating and inquisitive questions and making great observations during our engineering sessions on the use of paper and the building of towers and bridges. You showed great curiosity about the how to solve the ‘bridge problem’ and you collaborated well and assisted others who required assistance.
ChineseAri KatsoulakosResponsible LearnerActively participating in the ‘Guess the Character” game, staying focused and contributing greatly to his team to the end! Fabulous job Ari!









Student NameAwardReason
PrepSafi ChaudhryCollaborative Learner AwardSafiya has been an excellent collaborative learner this past week. She is always supportive and resourceful when working in a team and enjoys learning from others and hearing their ideas. What fantastic skills! Good work Safi!
Junior GJoseph Determined Learner Your incredible effort perseverance in literacy. Both your reading and writing skills have just skyrocketed and you absolutely blew me away with your independent weekend recount last week. Keep up the incredible focused work Joseph! 
Junior ASam



Sam has displayed a wonderful proactive approach to his learning. He is focused and always clarifies next steps in his learning to ensure he remains on task. Well done Sam, keep up the fantastic work!
Middle LOlivia BacherDetermined LearnerOlivia has showed great determination during our Inquiry Unit. Olivia has written thoughtful responses about Human Rights which has shown maturity far beyond her years! Olivia has contributed to class discussions with wonderful ideas. Amazing work, Olivia! You should be so proud of yourself. 
Middle JAmelia BrownProactive For the exceptional way you stay on task and the dedication you put into creating work of a high standard. While these habits have been clear since the beginning of the year, I noticed how well you met the expectations during our new SMART Spelling routine. There have been several new instructions to go with this program and you have met each with careful attention and determination. Thank you for setting such an excellent example, Amelia!
Senior BLucia WhiteDetermined LearnerFor your perseverance in Maths when calculating the missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals. Initially you were unsure about the task, but it was wonderful to see you working hard on the concept until you understood it and showed pride in your achievements. Well done, keep it up Lucia!
Senior LSaskia ThomasDetermined Learner

For all of your amazing teamwork and dedication during the Division Netball Tournament. I was so proud that you continued to give it your all and you never gave up! I am super impressed with the way you continued to pump up the team and the way you always had a positive attitude! 

Well done, Saskia!

Visual ArtsCharlie McGuire Determined Learner For his determination and resilience when creating his lantern. Charlie often has a music lesson during art and some things get finished and some things don’t. He is always  very determined to use his art time purposefully and displays a positive attitude when some things don’t go to plan. Great attitude and great effort Charlie and keep it up. 
PEJunior ACollaborative Learner

For your wonderful and at times amazing teamwork and collaboration during our first session on under arm throwing. You showed great patience, perseverance and the ability to work calmly and productively with each other. No wonder so many of you are such GREAT THROWERS !


STEMMiddles Proactive Learner

participating fully and enthusiastically during our on line session on animal habitats, features and extinction with the Melbourne Zoo’s education team. You asked many interesting questions and listened attentively to the educators’  answers and input.


ChineseArcher WeinzieherSelf-aware LearnerMaking the right choices when facing challenges and difficulties in terms of learning new vocabulary words in Chinese, as well as being a good role model for his peers!