Principal's Report 

Tom Cain

As term two concludes, I’ve been able to reflect on my short time here at PMPS. It's been a privilege to become a part of this vibrant team and engage with our extraordinary community. As we approach the end of this term, I wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable break, and I look forward to continuing my journey with PMPS in Term 3.


Student Reports


Our school reports will be issued this week, a testament to the tireless effort and dedication of both students and teachers over the first half of the year. I encourage parents and guardians to use these reports to prompt meaningful discussions with their children about their learning achievements, successes, and areas for growth.


Early in Term 3, we will facilitate parent-teacher interviews. These will be an excellent opportunity to build on the discussions from the reports and plan for individualised learning pathways for the latter half of the year. More details on these interviews will be shared early next term.


Toilet Facilities Allocation


In our continuous efforts to maintain a secure and inclusive environment, we are implementing an allocation of toilet facilities based on year levels from Term 3 onwards. This adjustment will address some concerns that have been raised by parents and help to ensure the comfort and security of all students. Staff have started informing students about these changes and we will have additional support in place when we return next term. The allocation is as follows: Year 5 and 6 will use the Gym toilets; Year 3 and 4, the A block facilities; Prep, Year 1, and Year 2, the B block facilities. 


Principal Team News


On an exciting note, our congratulations go out to Kim Nickels who is expecting a baby later this year. Kim will be with us for most of Term 3, and we are currently in the process of reallocating her duties during her maternity leave. I will keep the community updated as these arrangements are finalised.


Child Safety Resources


Child safety is a collective responsibility that we all share. PMPS takes this duty very seriously and we want to provide resources to help parents and guardians reinforce safety messages at home, online, and in the community. For additional resources on child safety in the community and online, please refer to this comprehensive guide: 


Enjoy your break, stay warm, and I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for Term 3,


Tom Cain