From the Principal 

Week 7 Term 2 2023

Dear Parents and Carers


TCL ( Teachers as Co learners)

Today we had 65  teachers from schools all across Melbourne and Geelong join us for Professional Learning. The focus of the Professional Learning  was around the educational approach (Teachers as Co Learners) used to teach languages ( e.g French).  The visiting teachers were invited to experience different classrooms and were very impressed with all aspects of what they saw of our languages program. As a community we should be very proud of our teachers and their expertise.


Parent/Teacher/Student interviews

Information on how to access a booking time for Parent Teacher Interviews will be sent home today with your child. Bookings will open this evening @ 7pm. All parents are expected to make a time. This is a great way to discuss your child's report and progress with their teacher. 


Important dates.

Term 2 will finish on Wednesday 21st June at 3.15pm for all students.

Parent teacher interviews will be held on Thursday 22nd of June 2023.

Staff will be involved in Religious Education professional learning on Friday 23rd of June.


Prep 2024

I am currently speaking with the new families for 2024. It is wonderful to hear and see the enthusiasm these families have for our school. They are very excited to join our community next year. If you are aware of any other families who might be interested in joining our community please tell them about us.


Positive Behaviours for Learning

At St Bede's  we have adopted the Positive Behaviours for Learning approach. An aspect of this is the giving of growing tickets for those children who are seen to be Respectful, Safe or Resilient.

To reinforce this approach I ask that as a family your also speak about  what it means to be Safe Respectful and Resilient


In particular I ask that you remind your child about choosing KIND in words and actions.

Below is the poster you will see in every classroom. You can use this to help with the discussion.

Long Service Leave

We have two staff members who will be commencing long service leave next week. Larissa will be spending 7 weeks in Europe whilst Richard will be spending 4 week in Europe.  We wish them a wonderful holiday.

During this time Ms Bernadette Reed will be acting Deputy Principal and her Music lessons will be covered by Judy Crowe Conway.  Whilst Richard is away Jacq Sist will be taking the P.E Lessons. The children are very familiar with both these teachers.


Have a great week
