Ipswich News

ESA Springfield delivers services to Cairns
Earlier this month, Practice Principal Carissa joined Qld Regional Manager Nicole in Cairns to provide Kindy Uplift Services to a lovely centre in Bentley Park. The aim of the Kindy Uplift funding is to build the capacity of Early Childhood Teachers and educators to support children with additional needs. It was lovely to spend time with the staff and children at the centre.
Congratulations Tina on becoming a Board Approved Supervisor
Board-approved supervisors are experienced psychologists who have undertaken Board-approved training in competency-based supervision of other psychologists. There is a significant amount of work required by senior psychologists to become board approved supervisors, and to receive this recognition by the Psychology Board of Australia is a huge achievement. Board Approved Supervisors at Early Start Australia provide supervision to our provisionally registered Psychologists and other psychologists across our national team. Congratulations Tina on your achievement!