Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

It has been a busy start to the semester with our Year 7 Students getting back into the swing of school routines.



  • With the weather still cold and the number of illnesses are floating around, we ask if your child is away can you please contact the absence hotline on 53817200. On the Seqta engage homepage / welcome page there is also an icon for the absence form. This is a great one to use if you have several children away


  • It is important that all students are in full school uniform. This includes pants and jackets and we will take this opportunity to remind students that they are not allowed to wear hoodies under their jumpers or t-shirts. Students are allowed to wear white or navy long sleeve tops under their uniform tops if they are feeling cold. If there is an unavoidable reason for students to be out of uniform, contact from home should be made with the Year 7 Office (Seqta DM, phone call or note) so a uniform pass can be issued.

Grade 6 Visits - Important Information



  • Please remind your child every night to charge their laptops and to bring them to each class.
  • If your child doesn’t have a laptop can you please let the YLCs know, so we can work out a borrowing system for them at school.


On Thursday 20th July a number of students will be having a pizza lunch in recognition for having followed the college values and not receiving any behaviour concerns throughout semester 1. In total there are 95 students who will be attending the lunch. We look forward to recognising the efforts of even more students in semester 2.


Cam Bruce and Gareth Hose, 

Year 7 Coordinators