Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

Staying Focuse in the Classroom

You may have a 100% attendance rate; you have all your equipment and you even copy down all of the notes - but have you ever left class and really struggled to remember exactly what it was that the class was about?

Staying focussed is a difficult skill to master.  One way to improve in this area is to think of questions about what you are learning. You don’t necessarily have to ask these questions of anyone, simply jot them down in your book alongside your notes or work. 

If the work you are doing is not challenging enough, the questions might relate to what would be asked of you if you were working at the next level; if the work is too challenging the questions would be about what you need to know to fully understand the content. Even if the work is at your level, asking questions keeps your brain engaged, “Why did that happen?”  “How did they come up with that idea?”  It makes you focus more clearly on the information and helps you think more broadly about it.

When you return to look at your notes in revision, these questions can be a useful resource.  The questions may guide you in choosing essay topics, completing work requirements or participating in class discussions. They can also help you if you need to speak with your teacher about any concerns you may have with the class.

Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellor

Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellor