In the Spotlight

THS Staff & Student Achievements

Grandparents Day

What a wonderful day we had celebrating Grandparents Day on Friday 9 June. A special mention to Mrs Koch for organising it & Mr Caisley & the Year 11 photography students for capturing these special shots! Well done to our school leaders, SRC & all the staff & students who helped make the day a success. Thank you to all the Grandparents for attending, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Year 6 Transition

The 1st Year 6 transition was held on Tuesday 13 June. Thank you to our music master, Mr Ryan, & Maths wizz, Mr Everett, for inviting students into their classrooms & teaching them about rhythm & probability. We look forward to welcoming you all again on the 1st August for the next transition day.

Formal Assembly

On Monday 19 June we celebrated the achievements of our students in Term 2 at our Formal Assembly. Congratulations to all award recipients & well done to Samuel Jackman & Kevin Ibbett for taking out the Principal's award. Thank you once again to Mr Caisley for the photos.


Mr Kelly's Year 9/10 Drama performance, an excerpt from "The Merchant of Venice" was terrific, well-done Year 9/10 Drama & thank you to all parents & carers who attended!

Positive Merit Winners

Congratulations to all students who have reached silver level & were presented with their awards. Keep up the great work! Eligible Bronze and Silver students were rewarded for their commitment on Wednesday 28 June with the rewards disco. Students were asked to dress in their favourite sport or footy team or personality & join in the competition to win prizes.

Olympics Unleashed

Jo Brigden-Jones spoke at Tenterfield High School on 20 June, as part of the Olympics Unleashed program. Olympics Unleashed connects athletes with schools across the country to inspire students to find and follow their passion and provide lessons in goal setting, overcoming challenges and developing resilience.


Jo represented Australia in two Olympics and addressed our Year 9 and 10 students. Jo spoke about her sport, her achievements and the challenges that she faced along the way. In an 18-year career there were many highlights. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students, and it is hoped that everyone took something away from the presentation.  Jo had three key messages for achieving in life:

  1. Passion
  2. Hard Work
  3. Goal setting

THS was honored to be involved in the Olympics Unleashed visit. 


Aboriginal Food Tasting Activity

This term Year 8 have been studying the non-fiction text Young Dark EmuYoung Dark Emu revolves around the initial misunderstanding by Cook and Banks about the nature of Aboriginal culture and society that morphed into a somewhat biased and simplistic view of how Aboriginal people lived prior to the arrival of the First Fleet. One of the most common misrepresentations is that indigenous peoples of Australia were all hunter gatherers and had no fixed homelands and migrated to where-ever food sources could be found.  In fact, indigenous peoples had specific ‘country’ where individual groups lived permanently. While some groups migrated between summer and winter locations, many groups lived in permanent villages and towns, descriptions which come down to us from convicts, squatters and free settlers.


Year 8 students had the opportunity to try commercially available Aboriginal foods, such as Kangaroo Sausages, Kangaroo Steaks (these can be purchased both in Tenterfield and in Stanthorpe from the native meat company, K-Roo), Pork nibblets with either a native version of Cajun Spice rub (from a Moree Aboriginal Company), and Davidson Plum (Queensland product, vacuum sealed) reconstituted with honey soy.

For dessert students had freshly baked damper, 2 different types, topped with butter and Rosella jam from Jamworks. Along with this, Roxanne Bancroft-Stuart brewed up Billy Tea, and Strawberry Gum native tea. Finally students could sample macadamia nuts and Witchetty Grubs (ok so these were just lollies). Naturally all students were invited only to try foods they felt comfortable with, and were warned that the Cajun Spice Rub and Macadamias may contain nut products.


Where possible products were sourced from Aboriginal companies, and from our local area. All meat products were sourced from our local Coles or Spannos IGA, both of whom carry native meats, professionally butchered and responsibly sourced.

The best part of the day was the fact that the vast majority of students were prepared to try everything, with most students being really surprised by how tasty the Roo sausages were. Students also mobbed Roxy on the billy teas! It was a fantastic experience!