Teaching & Learning News

High Performance & Potential Program
On Wednesday 21 June selected Year 6 students from TSHPMPS and St Josephs, were invited to meet with the Tenterfield High School High Performance and Potential participants, to learn about the program and the passion projects they are undertaking. As part of the morning's activities, invited students indulged in microbiology and robotics taster activities led by the THS students. A fantastic initiative organised & facilitated by Mrs Parker, well done everyone! Overall, the High Performance and Potential Program has been incredibly successful and will be running again in 2024.
Mrs Parker's Year 7 science classes have been undertaking a macro invertebrate study as part of their classification of living things unit. Students enjoyed the hands-on engagement & the opportunity to get out of the classroom.
During Term 2 interested Year 9 & 10 students have been participating in TAFE YES+ Engineering. Here are a few students working on their projects, another great initiative and opportunity for our students, organised by Mrs Clothier.
The final day of the TAFE Yes + Hospitality Program saw the students cooking an excellent feast with their Teacher Chef Karl. A big thank you to Karl and TAFE for providing this opportunity for Year 9 and 10 students to experience TAFE while boosting their skills and their resumes. Well done students for embracing this opportunity. The food looked delicious!
Food Technology
Mrs Cooper's Year 9/10 Food technology students made mouthwatering Chicken Parmigiana served with a side salad... who doesn't love a Parma??!! Excellent work.
Multi Categorical
The students of MC08 had a busy & fantastic day volunteering at the Tenterfield Railway Museum. They assisted with cleaning windows & seats in carriage & railway vehicles. For a bit of fun, they had a ride down the tracks on a trike. They are looking forward to more work experience with the wonderful volunteers at the Railway Museum. If you haven't been to the Museum, it is highly recommended by all students!