Principals Report

Stephanie Scott

Welcome to our last newsletter of the term! As you can see from this bumper issue, the pace certainly hasn't slowed down and we've been busy right up to the last! 


It was wonderful to celebrate the end of term with last weeks formal assembly and then this weeks rewards disco for students who had achieved their bronze or silver level. As I mentioned in my formal assembly speech, this term has seen an extremely low level of negative behaviour entries, with positive behaviours far outweighing negative ones. Well done everyone!


I am pleased to announce that next term, not only will we continue to be fully staffed, we will actually be increasing our teaching staff, with Mr Craig Cook (our enthusiastic and highly valued PDHPE teacher) working full time instead of part time and Mrs Sarah Little, our amazing second DP, returning from maternity leave. This extra staff puts us in an incredibly fortunate position, and will mean that we are able to have a 3rd MC support class for the remainder of the year. We are also incredibly lucky to have several casual teachers available to us when staff are away. When there is such a critical teacher shortage across the nation, we are very fortunate to be in this position.


Parent Teacher Interviews and the stage 5 and 6 subject selection information session, will be held on Monday 31st July. We encourage as many families to come to this as possible. School reports were published via the parent portal yesterday and this afternoon is an opportunity to discuss your child's report and how they can improve further. Mrs Helen Clothier, our highly valued careers advisor, will be running the subject selection information session for students and families of Yr 8 and Yr 10 on the same date. This provides a range of information on electives available, requirements for the HSC and Year 10 ROSA, TAFE courses and school trainee ships. Again we strongly encourage families to attend this.


We hope all our students have a safe and enjoyable holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 18th July!