College News
Information and updates for the whole Emmaus community
College News
Information and updates for the whole Emmaus community
Raising funds to publish the first ever Pitjantjatjara Illustrated Children’s Bible
On 7 August 2023, Neil Blenkinsop, Senior School Teacher and Humanities Coordinator at Emmaus Christian College, will embark on an epic 1400km bike ride to Ernabella in the APY Lands to raise the $40,000 needed to complete the Pitjantjatjara Illustrated Children’s Bible and help spread the gospel to future Anangu generations.
The ride is planned to take seven days, and for Neil to arrive at Ernabella to meet the Emmaus Christian College Year 11 students at the Ernabella Anangu School - the commencement of the annual Lands Trip on 14 August.
The Pitjantjatjara Illustrated Children’s Bible will be the first ever children’s art bible produced and is part of the Pitjantjatjara Bible Translation Project - Godaku Tjukurpa Tjunkupai and the Bible Society’s Remote Indigenous Ministry Support
Nami Kulyuru, a long-serving Bible translator, had the vision to pass on the stories of the Bible to her children and grandchildren using traditional paintings. She wanted to tell the stories through the symbols and in the style they were familiar with - to depict a whole Bible story in one painting, with movement through space and time. With this vision in mind, the Pitjantjatjara Children’s Illustrated Bible commenced in August 2021, led by Nami herself.
In 2020, Nami’s health was declining rapidly, and she was not given long to live. However, with a burning desire to see God’s word come to future generations of Anangu, she devoted all the strength she had to painting Bible stories on canvas, along with other Christian Anangu translators who are also talented artists, who share her vision.
Sadly, Nami passed away in mid-2022 before she saw this vision become reality. However the team of willing Anangu Bible translators and artists are committed to seeing her vision come to fruition, and to honour her legacy for the next generation.
There are between 3000 and 5000 Pitjantjatjara speakers that live on the APY Lands, and many more who live in regional centres including Ceduna, Port Augusta and Alice Springs. The children’s Bible will have a far-reaching and long-lasting impact on generations of Pitjantjatjara people.
To date, there have been 45 illustrations already completed however there are many more Bible stories yet to be painted.
For many years Nami worked as a Bible translator on the Pitjantjatjara Bible Translation Project. In 2016 she completed a first draft of the book of Habakkuk, a book the team was able to complete and publish - to Nami’s great joy - just months before she passed away.
Supported by the Bible Society Australia, the aim is to complete the illustrations by the end of 2023 and to launch the published Childrens’ Bible by early 2025.
All donations will be managed by the Bible Society Australia on behalf of the registered charity, Pitjantjatjara Bible Translation Project - Godaku Tjukurpa Tjunkupai.
For more information on the charity visit:
Bible Society Australia Website
Keep an eye out for more information about our Pancake Breakfasts coming soon in Week 5 at South Plympton and Week 6 atBrooklyn Park
Welcome to Term 2!
The Term 2 Canteen Menu is available here
We urge Middle and Senior school students to pre-order. The preferred method to pre-order is the Qkr App. The new Qkr cut-off time 8am. Cash orders can still be placed (see the website to find it how) and EFTPOS is still available for Middle and Senior School students with a $5 minimum.
Your help in the canteen will be greatly appreciated.
Most of our parents and caregivers generously volunteer once a term. Starting time is between school drop off and 9am and finishing between 1.30pm and 2pm or school pick up. To become canteen volunteer, please register here.
We will then contact you with all the information you'll need to know about volunteering and the induction process. All volunteers and parent helpers are required to provide the College with a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). To apply for a WWCC, please visit the SA Government website.
For more information, please visit the College website here. If you have any questions, please contact us on or call 8292 3888.
The following Term 2 dates are available for Canteen Volunteers:
May 2023
Day | Week 3 (15th-19th) | Week 4 (22nd-26th) |
Mon | ||
Tues | ||
Wed | (no help needed) | (no help needed) |
Thur | ||
Fri | (no help needed) | (no help needed) |
June 2023
Day | Week 5 (29th-2nd) | Week 6 (5th-9th) |
Mon | Ann Phillips | |
Tues | ||
Wed | (no help needed) | (no help needed) |
Thur | ||
Fri | (no help needed) | (no help needed) |
Day | Week 7 (12th-16th) | Week 8 (19th-23rd) |
Mon | Public Holiday | |
Tues | Celia Dan Wang | |
Wed | (no help needed) | (no help needed) |
Thur | ||
Fri | (no help needed) | (no help needed) |
God Bless
Sharon Hughes
Canteen Manager
Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval. John 6:27 (NIV)
Register to volunteer at Emmaus Christian College in 2023
Partnering with our parents is integral to driving our mission to inspire young people by providing excellence in education within a caring Christian community.
This year brings renewed hope and anticipation with opportunities to strengthen our community and a full calendar of student experiences, camps and exciting learning opportunities. We are grateful to God for this!
We want to extend the invitation to all Emmaus parents to participate in our College life and volunteer in any way you can throughout the year. There are many ways you can be involved this year, even if it is only for a short time or a once-off. For example:
If you are interested in volunteering at Emmaus this year, please register your interest here.
You will then receive all the information about the induction process including the volunteer agreement form. Your details will be kept securely, centralised by our College and we will then direct you to the appropriate department or teacher.
If you have already arranged to volunteer this year, please register via this short form, so we can send you our updated policy and volunteer agreement documents.
We sincerely thank you for your contribution to our community and the lives of our young people.
For more information please email or call us on 8292 3888.