From the Principal
Dear MPS Families
Newsletter – Term 2 week 7
Last Monday, we held a parent workshop evening with the purpose being to share with our school community our mission, the steps we are taking toward achieving it, how our school is progressing and to also gain parent perceptions and feedback.
Time is one of our most precious commodities, so we’d like to thank the 120 people who attended the evening. We know there are many others whose previous commitments prevented them from coming along.
This week, students in years 4, 5 and 6 will be providing their opinions about their school through an Education Department electronic survey. Later in the year, the school will receive a report summarising the questions into 11 key categories. This report helps our school identify areas where improvements in the 'wellbeing' area can occur. Analysis of our 2022 report highlighted the area of student ‘voice and agency’ as one requiring a continued focus.
At the recent Parent Workshop, we shared our wellbeing report where our school is 'excelling' in all 11 areas based on our high positive student response percentage compared to similar schools and the state. The many wellbeing strategies and programs we have in place are clearly having an impact as our students are happy, healthy and are proud of their school.
In the final week of this term, the semester one reports will be available on compass. In addition to the semester reports, parents will have access to the ‘Continuum’ on compass.
The continuum contains a list of statements (descriptors) that describe learning outcomes that we would expect students to achieve by the end of each year level. When you view your child’s continuum, you will notice a tick against the outcomes your child has already achieved, you’ll be able to see the outcome statements the student is still working on and other statements that are yet to be taught (or achieved).
As our school has not used the continuum on compass before, we will be sending home a copy of instructions in paper format as well as a digital version.
Every year, we engage a company to undertake an audit of all equipment and fixtures in the playground. We have recently received this report and are now undertaking rectification works commencing with priority safety items. If you notice anything broken or unsafe in the playground, please let the office know so we can attend to it quickly. An electrician has been booked to replace the broken bollard lights along the driveway and the broken chain on the playground is to be removed.
The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023, Be a Voice for Generations, encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise.
Reconciliation is an ongoing journey that reminds us that while generations of Australians have fought hard for meaningful changes, future gains are likely to take just as much, if not more, effort.
To assist in this collective effort, our school integrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture, history and stories into units of inquiry where there is a natural connection.
For example, our Year 3 students through the ‘How We Express Ourselves’ unit are inquiring into historical and significant events which includes recognition of our First People’s perspective. With more Australians demonstrating cultural inclusivity, we will be on the way to genuine reconciliation.
MPS is thrilled to once again be supporting a snow sports team at the Interschool Snowsport Championships to be held in August.
This competition provides an opportunity for school students of all ages to experience snow sport and to participate at either a recreational or competitive level.
Interested families joined our recent Webex meeting and have subsequently formed a WhatsApp group with some families planning to head up to the mountains in these upcoming school holidays.
We look forward to hearing more about their snow adventures and endeavours to prepare for the competition.
Chellee Plumb