Le Français



Grade 5 and 6 are close to completing their bilingual Power Point presentation on "La durabilité et le changement climatique". Students have enjoyed researching appropriate images and sentences relating to this modern phenomenon. They have been encouraged to add recordings of their French pronunciation and soon will be sharing their work with the rest of their class.


Grade 3 and 4 have almost completed writing and illustrating French phrases on vocabulary relating to saving endangered animals. The next phase of their task will be to add authentic recordings of their French pronunciation and post all their work on Seesaw.


Grade1 and 2 are continuing to look at how we save the planet by exploring French vocabulary such as " fermer le robinet" and "économiser l'eau"

Foundation students have been writing and practising words related to "les jours de la semaine"(days of the week). Did you know that" lundi" is named after "lune" (Moon), "mardi" is named after Mars and "mercredi" is named after Mercury?



Àu revoir, 

Madame Higgins