News from the 3/4 Team...

Reducing our Carbon Footprint!

As part of their topic, The Blue Marble, Team 3/4 students have been exploring:

  • What is a carbon footprint?
  • What things do we do that have an impact on Earth’s climate?
  • What are some ways we can reduce our carbon footprint?

Students came up with many ways human actions impact Earth, such as:

  • We create air pollution by travelling in cars
  • Lots of our cars run on petrol
  • We use lots of water
  • We waste things that we could reuse or recycle
  • We cut down trees
  • We use lots of electricity
  • We make and use too much plastic
  • We destroy animal homes
  • We drop litter on the ground

Students then set 3 goals for actions they could take to reduce their impact.

Below are some examples of their work:

Being a Water Watcher!

Students also participated in a fantastic incursion run by Yarra Valley Water called 'Water Watchers'.

Through the highly engaging and interactive sessions, students learned about how precious a resource water is, and how important it is for us all to save it.


Afterwards, they all vowed to:

  • Take shorter showers
  • Fill the dishwasher before turning it on
  • Fix leaky taps and hoses
  • Turn off the tap unless the water’s being used
  • Only use a sprinkler if the garden needs it