Active Travel

Walk and Wheel Wednesdays

Even as we approach Winter, we have still had  some stunning weather to encourage students to keep on walking and wheeling to school.  It is a great way for students to chill with their friends, talk to their parents, keep healthy and enjoy the journey as much as the destination.  This week, 34R were the stars with 64% of the class ditching the car.  They were followed closely by the always impressive 6JK.


Now for some entertaining reflections by the poets of 5SG who share their thoughts on the importance of "Walk and Wheel".


An acrostic poem, "WALK", by Mia:


Walking is fun and full of happiness,

As if you should take a car...ride a bike!

Love doing exercise, you will be happier.

Keep on walking, you know its fun.



"The Walk and Wheel Journey" by Jayden and Oliver


Riding or walking on the bumpy pavement,

Seeing your friends making lots of movement.

Riding to school going faster and faster,

Walking to school going slower and steadier.


Jumping on a train or a bus,

Seeing a car going fast, fast, fast.

Scootering happily on a sunny day,

WOW!  Its really fun as they say!



"Walk and Cool" by Matthew and Fred


Walking to school is a really cool rule.

I think the cars should be behind bars.


Walking and wheeling to school will be wheelie cool.

People who drive are total fools.


If you see a car near our school,

You shout - "Hey, that's not cool!"



And from the "Walk and Wheel" Art Gallery, we have some great drawings by Chloe and Jasper of 2LP, and Ingrid of 1MC: 


Keep on Walking and Wheeling everybody!!