Faith and Mission

St Eugene de Mazenod Feast
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Saint Eugene de Mazenod on 21 May. St Eugene died on the 21 May 1861. Like all Oblates, St Eugene had a special devotion to Our Lady. In a pastoral letter that he wrote in 1859 he contributes to Christ the graces obtained through Mary’s intercession:
“The only reason we address our prayers to her with such confidence is so that she will intercede for us with her divine Son who is the only author of all grace.”
(Christmas Pastoral, 1859)
Meditation on St Eugene and Mary
Together with Saint Eugene, I greet you Mary, Mother of him who is all mercy. In you I greet the sign of a merciful God.
Together with Saint Eugene, I greet you Mary, Mother of him who is all goodness. In you I greet the sign of a God who casts his loving look on each and every one.
Together with Saint Eugene, I greet you Mary, my Mother. I know that you are always at my side in this great journey of life.
I know that I can stretch out my hand to you as a child would to its mother, knowing that you will give me your protection.
St Eugene de Mazenod, pray for us.
Blessed Mother Mary, pray for us.
2023 Winter Appeal
Young Vinnies are running our Mazenod Winter Appeal during Weeks 3 – 5 of this term. Please give generously by donating items to your Form Room. We are supporting The Shopfront in Bentley and St Pat’s in Fremantle, to ensure that what we collect goes to those in need.
Below is a list of needed goods. Please ensure that all non-perishable food are in code. Any expired food will not be able to be used and will have to be disposed of by the College.
Hamper List
Food Items
Spaghetti-Cans | Spaghetti / Pasta / Rice |
Baked beans-Cans | Pasta sauce |
Soup - Cans | Weetbix, Porridge, Cereals |
“Cup a soup” | Tinned Fruit |
2 Minute Noodles | Baby Food - Cans |
Tuna | Long life milk |
Cans of vegies – corn, peas, tomatoes | Tea |
Meats – Cans eg. Spam, Braised beef | Coffee |
Honey, Jam | Sugar |
Peanut Butter, Vegemite | Milo |
Savoury biscuits | Muesli Bars |
Sweet Biscuits | Snack packs |
Non Food Items
Cloth Shopping Bags / Strong Plastic Bags | Disposable Nappies – all sizes |
Toothpaste | Baby Wipes |
Toothbrushes | Tissues – small packets |
Soap | Combs / Brushes |
Deodorant | Blankets |
Shampoo / Conditioner | Men’s Socks & underwear |
Razors | Sleeping Bags |
Shaving Cream | Women’s Underwear & Socks |
Sanitary Napkins | Sunscreen – small tubes |
Tampons | Backpacks - black |
Flower Roster Volunteers
Founders Day Mass
On Wednesday 17 May we celebrated the life of St Eugene de Mazenod as the founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and our College. Fr Christian Fini OMI, Australian Provincial, was joined by six other Oblates from our College, Iona College Brisbane and Fremantle in concelebrating Mass.
In his homily Fr Fini OMI welcomed Mr Simon Harvey as our College’s second lay principal. Fr Fini OMI reminded the community that “while the principal might change and with him might come new ideas and a different leadership style, the community will continue its long tradition of excellence in boys education and faith formation.” After the homily Fr Fini OMI then went on to commission Mr Harvey as Mazenod College’s new Principal.
Mothers’ Day Mass
On the Wednesday before Mothers’ Day we had a wonderful turn up to our Mass and morning tea celebrating our Mothers and Grandmothers. Fr Joe Anthony OMI and Fr Michael McMahon OMI concelebrated Mass. Fr Joe gave a beautiful sermon that featured him sharing his deep feelings of love and gratitude for his own mother. The Mass was followed by a lovely morning tea in the library that was supplied by the ladies from the canteen.
Morning Mass
Week day Masses begin at 8:00am in the College Chapel. However, Wednesday morning Mass begins at 8:10am. These Masses are assigned to a group of students who are involved in their preparation and focus on a particular theme or feast day. Below is a table outlining this term’s Wednesday masses to which everyone from the Mazenod community is extended a warm invitation to attend.
Term 2: Wednesday Masses
Week 5 | May 24 | Year 10 |
Week 6 | May 31 | Year 7 |
Week 7 | June 7 | Gerard |
Week 8 | June 15 | Grandin |
Week 9 | June 22 | NAIDOC |
Damian Wallis
Director of Faith and Mission