From the Principal

Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Mazenod College,
“…a welcoming attitude reveals how much happiness is present in society. A happy community naturally develops the desire to generate and welcome others” (Pope Francis)
Since our last newsletter, our College community has enjoyed a number of events that epitomise the spirit of happiness that lies within Mazenod College.
I speak firstly of two very important Masses celebrated over this past week namely; our Mother’s Day Mass held in week 3 and the Eucharistic celebration to mark the Feast of our College patron, St Eugene de Mazenod, held only a few days ago.
As Fr Joe Antony OMI shared in his homily at the Mother’s Day Mass, our mums, grandmothers and motherly figures are a beautiful icon of God’s love and tenderness. I thank Fr Joe and Fr Michael for leading this special Mass for us and for those special mother figures who took the time to come and celebrate this special event with us.
For me, the highlight of my time at Mazenod College to date was the Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Eugene de Mazenod. College community Masses are always a special occasion and this was an extra special time for me as I was commissioned as the new Principal of Mazenod College during this Mass. Whilst a warm welcoming gesture from those present, it was also an opportunity for me to express my commitment to the College and the wider Oblate community. It felt very much like a sacrament for me, a special spiritual occasion indeed and I thank our Provincial, Fr Christian Fini and Fr Michael Twigg for making the special trip from the eastern states for the occasion. Also thank you to our other Oblate Fathers here in WA and my family, friends and colleagues who were able to attend and special appreciation to those families who responded to the call for morning tea and the Mazza Mums for their service.
Eucharist in Latin means thanksgiving and it is more than ironic that our special celebrations are marked with a Eucharist at the centre and so we all give thanks for both the motherly figures in our lives and for the Oblate community and the history and tradition of St Eugene, from whom we take our inspiration. I give thanks for my appointment and commissioning as the College Principal of Mazenod College.
House Athletics Carnival
We finished our week with our annual House Athletics Carnival, a wonderfully spirited and colourful event on our calendar. Congratulations must be extended to Mr Tim Grabski and our HPE team, along with all staff, for their efforts and organisation of the carnival. House events such as this, are indicative of our culture, spirit and happiness and cannot take place without the energy and enthusiasm of the staff and our boys. Well done to all and particular congratulations to Albini House for taking out our annual Athletics Championships.
It was a pleasure to welcome Mark Cusworth to our teaching staff earlier this week. Mark joins our Design and Technology team, teaching in the area of Electronics and comes to us having worked at Prendiville Catholic College. Mark is a Mazenod Old Boy, having graduated from here in 2002. Welcome back Mark.
Finally, as our Year 11 and 12 students embark on a period of examinations and Work Placements, I hope that with renewed vigour towards their studies or work pursuits, they go well and achieve results commensurate with their efforts.
God bless.
Simon Harvey