Student Well-being

Wellbeing in the Year 5/6 Community
This term the Wellbeing focus for the Year 5/6 Community has been understanding ‘Positive Gender Relations’.
In our class groups, we have been discussing Online and School-based violence. Through in depth discussions and group work, students learned about the 4 different types of violence - physical, verbal, sexual and mental. Students also explored gender-based violence and what it is. The unit has led students to explore the feelings related to these different forms of violence and how these may look in regard to the actions shown in these different scenarios.
Students have approached this topic in a very mature manner and have been very active and insightful in their discussions with peers. As this unit progresses, we’ll also look into developing respectful peer relationships and how to communicate our boundaries with peers. Check out some of their wonderful contributions below.
Lauren Borg
Student Wellbeing Leader