From the Principal's Desk

Learning Expo
On Wednesday 21st June families are invited to attend our world-renowned Learning Expo!
Operating between 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm, you will be able to immerse yourself in a world of games and bugs as you explore each year level's STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) projects.
Your children may want to pack a 'little something extra' in their lunch boxes to get them through the extended day.
Be sure to mark this date in your diary and be prepared to learn, discover and explore!
Dogs on School Grounds
Some queries have been raised recently regarding the school's stance on dogs entering school grounds. Our 'Dogs and other Animals on School Grounds' Policy states that "... dogs and other animals are not permitted on school grounds unless approval is first sought by a member of the Leadership Team. This includes immediately before the commencement of the school day (school drop off), immediately after school has concluded (school pick up) and any school-run event... Any dog or other animals brought onto school grounds for an approved visit must be appropriately restrained at all times. This must be on either a short (non-extendable) lead, restrained by a person at least 16 years of age who is able to restrain the animal, or in an enclosed compartment" etc.
At the rear of the school, the boundary is quite obvious however we would ask that people with dogs on leads move away from the immediate entrance/exit where congestion occurs to reduce any 'startling' of either the dog or children (and/or parents).
It would make sense then, to ask that the same be done at the front of the school. Technically, the school grounds commence at the driveway so we ask that dogs are kept well away from the gate/office area and well away from where foot traffic enters and exits the school.
Community Garden
For some time now our Kitchen Garden has been largely unused (mainly because of the lack of access to water) and is desperately in need of some love.
So with the massive water tank and pump now operable... we are opening the garden up to families (who may not have the space at home) who would like to 'stake a claim' to a plot of land.
There are six garden beds available for use and we would love to see the area utilised. Interested families are asked to contact the office for further details.
Please be reminded that students are only to wear runners on their designated sports day. Students are to wear black school shoes with the regular school uniform.
Sushi Day
Our next PFA monthly Lunch Special Day will be held on Monday 19th June. The June lunch special will be Sushi.
Order forms will be sent home today -
- Order forms are to be put in an envelope clearly labelled with the child's name and grade
- Correct money is to be placed in the envelope with the order form. No change will be given
- Order forms are to be returned to the school by Tuesday13th June
- No late orders will be taken
Prep 2024 Enrolments
Enrolments for Year Prep 2024 are filling fast!
A reminder to all families that we are in the process of finalising Year Prep enrolments for 2024 so if you haven't already, please collect and fill out an enrolment form and return it to the school office as soon as possible so we can secure your child's placement for 2024.
By the way... if you know of anyone seeking enrolment in Year Prep for next year, they better move quickly.
Timetable Changes
As our teachers will be given time to plan extensively for Term 3 please note that there will be timetable changes over the coming weeks to facilitate planning. Your teachers will notify you of any uniform changes.
OSH Club Updates - Changes to Child Care Subsidy
New Child Care Subsidies that come into effect as of 10th July will significantly benefit families. Please click on the link below-
God bless
Anthony Hyde