Student Voice

What has been happening in CPS?

By: Nanami & Lee


Many things have been going around but the most recent ones are Simultaneous Story Time & the Year Five/Six Melbourne Zoo excursion.

But let’s focus on the Simultaneous Story Time! This was a very fun experience. We all found out that people all over Australia were reading the same book at the same time! Each year an Australian author steps forward and reads us a different book every year!The book we read this year was The Speedy Sloth  by Rebbeca Young & illustrated by Heath Makenzie. Every class at CPS enjoyed reading with their teacher. 



The excursion to the Melbourne Zoo was an amazing experience! The excursion was a celebration for the Year 5/6  students' hard work on a project last term about ‘animal adaptations’.We were so pleased to see lots of unique animals. We were especially amazed to see the reptiles. We also had a session about animal adaptations and looked at their different skulls. We learned to identify the animal bones .The ⅚ could not have gone without the parent helpers and the teachers.We definitely would love to go there again.