Assistant Principal News

Message from Miharu Morioka


This Wednesday marked the halfway mark of Term 2 and I was reflecting this morning how quickly we have come to this point. At Caulfield Primary School, mindfulness and emotional regulation activities are embedded in our school routine, but they become significantly important when we have lots of exciting events happening throughout the week. Many students find those activities helpful, particularly during the transition between activities or classrooms. Please refer to the CPS Wellbeing Framework for examples of mindfulness activities and the implementation of Zones of Regulation at our school, this is linked on our school website.


今週の水曜日で、今学期も折り返し地点を通り過ぎました。コーフィールド小学校では、毎日マインドフルネスや自分の感情に耳を傾けるアクティビティをしていますが、あっという間に過ぎ去っていく忙しい日常では、このようなアクティビティの重要性が増しています。一日の中の節目節目でマインドフルネスなどをすることで、多くの生徒がより学習やクラスでのディスカッションに集中することができているようです。マインドフルネスやZones of Regulationについての詳しい情報は、本校のWellbeing Frameworkをご覧ください。


Parent-Teacher Interviews


We will hold a Parent-Teacher Interviews during Week 9 of this term. Detailed information, such as booking processes, will be sent out to parents closer to the dates. Teachers are looking forward to seeing the parents of their students then.



Snapshots from the classroom


I was very impressed with the work that our Prep students were working on. In a Numeracy lesson, students were accurately matching each numeral and its quantity. When I asked them, they fluently read all the numbers in Japanese. プレップの生徒のワークです。算数の授業中に、数字と数を合わせる勉強をしていました。数字も上手に日本語で数えることができました。














In the English classroom, they were practising the sound and the sentence of the week which is “Come here and see an old frog” for the sound “f”. This was also linked to the life-cycle unit of their Inquiry lesson and students made a life-cycle model of frogs! プレップの英語のクラスでは、今週の文と音のレッスンをしていました。また、りかのレッスンと繋げて、カエルの一生のモデルを作っていました。













In Year 1/2 Japanese classroom, students were reading a simplified version of ‘My neighbour Totoro’ with their learning partner. When I asked one student what she was doing, she explained in Japanese that she was reading a Totoro book and another student told me, also in Japanese, that they were asked to find out how Totoro was feeling in the story. Great work, Year 1/2 students! 1・2年生の教室では、「となりのトトロ」を簡略した手作り本を読んでいました。一人の生徒は、「トトロの本を読みます」と説明してくれました。そしてもう一人の生徒は、「トトロがどんな気持ちですか」と、何について読んでいるかを日本語で説明してくれました。1・2年生、とても日本語が上手です。