From the 

Leadership Team

It’s a very busy time at GSSC at the moment as the end of semester rapidly approaches. Many of our senior students will be commencing exams in the coming weeks and most classes will be completing assessment tasks. 


The GAT (General Achievement Test) is on Thursday 15th June which is also a Curriculum Day.  


SEA reports were released earlier this week and students have been working in Home Group to analyse their results, comparing them with SEA 1 and reassessing their short and medium term goals. It has been pleasing to see the number of students who have made positive gains.


Over the past few weeks there has been a number of activities of note in the school calendar. Africa Day, Junior and Senior Winter sports, performances by the Year 12 Performing Arts, to name but a few. All have been very successful with many sporting teams moving on to the next level of competition.


The Attitudes to School survey has been completed. The results will be available in term three and will be analysed to find areas for improvement as well as to celebrate the positive outcomes from the survey.


The Transition program for Year 7 2024 has proven to be very popular and the ongoing communication between Primary Schools and our College has commenced as we ensure that we have a wrap around approach for the new students coming into our school in 2024.


After the re-launch of The Hands On Learning, classes have commenced and it has been great to see the enthusiasm and active participation of all of the students involved in the program. 


As the holidays approach we all need to maintain our momentum and make sure that we all finish the term having given our best effort.


Stephen Bolton

Dharnya Neighbourhood Principal 


The Leadership Team