School Council
The Council's third meeting of 2023 was held this week. With Ross on leave for terms 2 and 3, we welcomed a Principal's report from Luke and congratulated Jess and Graeme on their appointment as joint Assistant Principals during this time.
We considered reports from each of the School Committees and made key decisions to: approve the 2023 budget, extend Before School Care hours, and broaden the scope of the Education Committee to explicitly include wellbeing. We acknowledged the incredible work of the PFA in organising the movie night and reflected on the Education Committee's scope including Library and Spanish Sub-Committees.
We provided input on a draft of the 2022 NPS Annual Report and approved the School's proposed Annual Implementation Plan 2023. Finally we considered and approved various updated policies, including on child safety, Aboriginal learning and wellbeing, visitors, camps/excursions, and financial management. The next meeting will be held on 14 June 2023.
To get in touch with the Council, contact the Newlands Primary School email att: School Council
Juanita & The School Council