Wellbeing News
It has been a very busy time but exciting time for our Wellbeing team. Here is a brief summary of a small part of what has been happening.
Firstly, the Wellbeing Team has been instrumental in organising the Camp Quality incursion as well as supporting staff with resources for Sorry Day.
Raquel, our Behavioural Therapist, has been working with students, teachers and families to support student wellbeing. She has provided individual, small group and whole class support. Raquel and I meet weekly to discuss student and class needs and allocate sessions.
Raquel will be available to meet with families each Friday between 9 -11. A time to meet with her can be arranged by messaging me through Sentral or speaking directly with me. Please call the office if you require immediate support.
During term 2, the Wellbeing Team have been leading and facilitating professional learning to continue to refine and embed Developmental Processes and update our Wellbeing and Engagement procedure and policies.
The Wellbeing Team have been facilitating sessions with staff to build a stronger knowledge and understanding of:
- Evidence based strategies to support positive behaviour
- Strategies to support social-emotional wellbeing for individuals
- Calmer classrooms and positive classroom environment
- The adoption of evidence-based instructional practices
- The importance of a predictable learning environment with improved perceptions of safety and increased attendance.
A Professional Learning session provided information on neurodiversity and autism. This was presented by a representative from Autism Spectrum Australia.
During our next session, which I facilitated, staff were provided with information on Positive Behaviour Support, which is a strengths-based and values-based means of addressing behaviours of concern. Teachers explored how Functional Behaviour Assessment tools can be used to support students in learning new skills. Teachers reflected on their learnings from previous sessions on the Berry Street Model and other resources which have been purchased by the school.
The third session continued to explore supporting positive learning environments for all students. This session was prepared and presented by both Raquel and myself.
We discussed classroom management and explored strategies to establish routines and expectations. These included use of a calming corner, sensory materials, Zones of Regulation, brain break cards, first and then charts and sharing of strategies already being used through the use of our school values and keystones. Teachers explored the functions of behaviours and supports which can be used to replace actions which have a negative impact on learning with a positive replacement action. We have begun the process of replacing our current Behaviour Management Plans with Positive Behaviour Support Plans. Teachers were given an opportunity to review the new plans which are intended to focus on understanding behaviours of concern and replacing them with behaviours which support students to feel success.
Thao Lam has begun providing psychology services onsite. She is at school on a Monday. Her services can be accessed through a referral from a medical practitioner and by completing documentation which can be collected from the office. Thao is not paid by the school, her sessions are funded through either family NDIS funding or Medicare.
That's a RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan)
This week I met with our School Koorie Support officer (Sonya Hunt) to review our school RAP. The creation of our RAP, has been one which has taken longer than expected, but I am pleased to say that it is now completed.
A huge thank you to all members of our school community, students, families and teachers, for the input they have made into it's development. An invitation is extended to all community members who have been involved in the process to meet on Wednesday 7th June at 2:30 PM in the the staffroom to review the completed document.
The RAP will be presented to School Council at their June meeting. All community members will have access to the RAP through our school website after it has been ratified by school council. We will formally present our RAP to the school community during our NAIDOC week celebrations during week 1 of term 3.
In next weeks newsletter I will be providing information on the process which the school follows for applications for funding for students under the Program for Students with Disability and outside agencies such as State School Relief which I can access to support students and their families.
Sonya O'Brien
Wellbeing Leader