Catholic Identity

Pentecost Sunday - God’s Spirit Is With Us


This Sunday in our Liturgical calendar is the Feast Day of Pentecost and Mass is centered around this story in Scripture. Pentecost Sunday is sometimes also known as the Birthday of our Church. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit that continues to guide us all. We are filled with the life and gifts of the Holy Spirit. So our task is to live a Spirit filled life.


The Year Four Student's will be representing our St. Mary’s School with a re-enactment of the Scripture and will be involved in the Recessional Hymn too. All St.Mary’s families are invited to attend and welcomed to stay afterwards for tea & coffee.




Holy Spirit, Lord of Light,

From the clear celestial height,

Thy pure beaming radiance give.

Remind us all of your Spirit, 

That all things are possible.

Light immortal, light divine,

Visit thou hearts of thine,

And our innermost being fill,

Heal our wounds, our strength renew,

Melt the frozen, warm the chill,

Give us comfort, life and joys that never end.

Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your love.

And may Peace be with us all,




Reconciliation Week & Sorry Day Liturgy.

St. Mary’s will recognise both Nationwide events with a variety of activities throughout next week planned. A Whole School Fire Carriers Ceremony will take place next Thursday, the 1st of June at 12.30. All families are welcome to attend.


Parish Events - St.Mary’s Soup for the Soul

Each Thursday at 12 midday. Our Parish is providing soup meals for those that could do with a warm soup during Winter. This is in conjunction with Echuca Community Coat Drive. If you are interested in donating pots of soup or a warm desert, setting up tables or serving soup - Please contact Carol Purden via email


Parish News