Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections
It is hard to believe that we have only 4 weeks left of this term, and a public holiday included. The school year always promises to be busy and filled with fun! This week I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting learning spaces and being engaged in all that is happening in our school. Our environments are settled yet exciting, collaborative yet targeted and the learning visible. On my visits I get to share in many proud moments where students so eagerly share what they are doing and learning.
Our teachers too are active learners in our community and currently striving to build their capacity and explore new learning experiences in the area of Inquiry for our students. Inquiry is fundamentally thinking curriculum with the core elements nurturing critical and creative thinking. Currently we are working with an external facilitator to challenge and grow us as Inquiry educators and it is fabulous to see the rewards of this among our students.
St Mary’s is currently in its peak of enrolment for 2024. Initially it felt too early in the year to be starting this process however a pending school year and transition takes great preparation. This year's enrolment phase has been overwhelmingly positive with over 100 applicants. The staff are our biggest assets and advocates and all have played a positive role in this year's enrolment phase. This week many leadership team members have had the pleasure of meeting those who are hopeful of being a part of our community next year and hearing and learning lots about them as our future Foundation students. It has been a real joy!
Thank you to many of our families who have been supportive and cooperative in our modified gate times so far this term. We are seeing less arrivals from our walking / scooting / bike travelers and many arriving in time to unpack and play freely before the school day. I recognise that this has impacted family routines and again I appreciate your support.
St Mary’s has entered into the cooler time of the year and are beginning to experience staff shortages throughout the school. We typically have a great network of CRT teachers however at this time, this is also a challenge. At a leadership level we strive to ensure consistency and meet the needs of our cohorts. At times we do not have coverage and class splits occur. Our teaching teams are ready and supportive of this when this occurs.
This week St Mary’s has begun a small staffing campaign to cover some pending maternity leave and a few exciting leadership roles. At the end of this term we temporarily farewell Mrs Ang Haydon and Mrs Liz Chapman. Both Liz and Ang will be taking maternity leave and caring for their families. The leadership role of Deputy Principal: Community Wellness and Leader of Pedagogy: Numeracy are also circulating. We hope our amazing school attracts some visionary candidates.
This week we have another one of our beautiful family masses being held on Sunday at St Mary’s church at 9:30am. All families from our community are welcome. Thank you to our Year 4 students and families for their support and attendance. I look forward to celebrating with you all on Sunday.
Take Care & God Bless,
Jasmine Ryan