News from the Office

Traffic Conditions

Between June 16 and August 7 Major Roads Projects Victoria will be conducting investigations along and near Barwon Heads Road, including Settlement Road, Belmont and Reserve Road, Charlemont. 


Due to this, there will be large vehicles and machinery operating on Barwon Heads Road.


For the safety of road workers and drivers, reduced speed limits will be in place between 7am – 5pm


A lane closure will be in place from 9am-3:30pm


There is an expected delay of up to 10 minutes.


Bus stops will remain open as normal and will not be impacted by these investigations.


The location of the investigations on Barwon Heads Road will change regularly. Changed traffic conditions will only be in place where they are undertaking investigations.



The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

  • school camps or trips
  • swimming and school-organised sport programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • excursions and incursions.

Payments are $125 per Primary School aged student per year and $225 per Secondary School aged student per year.


Applications for 2020 are now open and will close on 26 June 2020 (end of Term 2).



On the first day of term one (28 January 2020) or the first day of term two (23 April 2019), a parent or legal guardian of a student must:

  • be an eligible beneficiary of one of these cards:
  • OR they must be a temporary foster parent
  • OR the student is 16 years or older and holds a valid concession card (such as a Youth Allowance Health Care Card)
  • AND the parent or legal guardian must submit an application by the due date.

Parents who receive a carer allowance on behalf of a child, or any other benefit or allowance not income tested by Centrelink, are not eligible for the CSEF unless they also comply with the above.

Eligibility will be determined when the parent’s concession card successfully validates with Centrelink on either the first day of term one or term two.



Contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from COMPASS by clicking on the Community Icon \ School Documentation \ Parent Information \ CSEF \ CSEF Application Form


NEW FOR 2020

If you applied for CSEF at ACS in 2019, you do not need to complete an application form in 2020 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.


You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

New student enrolments: Your child has started or changed schools in 2020 or you did not apply at ACS in 2019.

Changed family circumstances: Such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2020.


Please check with the school office if you are unsure.


  • Veterans Affairs Gold Card
  • Centrelink Health Care Card
  • Pensioner Concession Card