1/2 News

News from 1/2

This has been another fun filled week in the Year 1/2 community. We are loving the new

playground and it has been so much fun to try out all of the new equipment. We are learning to take turns and how to use the playground in a fair, safe and respectful way.



This week has been exciting as we wrote some awesome pieces inspired by lots of different illustrations. It has been fun learning about how to use descriptive words to describe the features of our inventions. We have also used these skills to write about our own inventions.



We have relished the opportunity to explore and design a range of inventions this week. We were inspired by the story about how the first crayon was made, and have used those ideas to create our own innovative and individual inventions. It was especially interesting to hear how the inventor used his interests and passions to improve and change his inventions. We illustrated these inventions and then added writing to explain how the inventions work and added some labels to explain our inventions further. We even got to do this outside in the lovely sunshine! We are very excited about making our designs a reality and will have a small class expo of our inventions to show our inventions to our friends next week.



We have been developing our number knowledge further this week by exploring the link

between addition and subtraction. We explored this in addition and subtraction triangles. We also played some great card games to practise using our friends of ten number knowledge.



In reading this week we have furthered our understanding of texts by making inferences about the characters within texts. That means that we use our prior knowledge and what the author tells us to read between the lines.



We have focused on being caring to our friends and loved listening to the story “Up and Down” by Oliver Jeffers. This story looked at the importance of friendship and reminded us how important it is to work as part of a team and to show kindness to others. We practised using our listening skills and listened carefully to the members of our group so that we could work together as a team.



Art - Royal Portrait


See the wonderful artwork created by the 1/2 students: