OSHC Information


Notification of OSHC Non-attendance

We understand that many families are working from home currently and are unsure of when this may change. For OSHC to be able to offer a quality program for all families and children that need to attend we need to know who is attending OSHC each day. 


Can you please let us know if you have a permanent booking and don’t intend of using OSHC for the rest of this term so we don’t go looking for children at 3.30pm that we have booked in. We also need to make sure we have the right number of educators each day for the number of children attending.


Can you also let us know if you have been able to collect your child from school at 3.30 on a day they would be booked into OSHC.

The safety of all children is our priority and knowing where children are enables educators to support children arriving rather then chasing up missing children.


Bookings can be put on hold (marked absent) for the rest of this term to ensure you have the booking for Term 3. This is at no cost to you and absences are not counted with Centrelink.

We can be contacted on mobile via text or call on 0409 007 104 for daily cancellations and bookings or email wheelershilloshc@gmail.com for advanced bookings/cancellations or changes in permanent bookings and notification of putting bookings on hold for Term 2.

We will ensure to reply to all contact in a timely manner.




We are currently planning our July Vacation Care program. We will have a program offered with NO incursions or excursions included and lots of theme days and engaging activities planned for each day. July Program will be available soon.

We are waiting for the Government’s announcement about CCS funding in the new financial year. The current funding (free childcare) direct to programs is supposed to stop on 28th June but there is a chance this may be extended.



Sharyn and the OSHC team