Classroom News

Room 9

Room 9 have loved being back together at school and are excellent at reminding each other, and staff, to wash their hands! We had such great fun doing our daily exercise while learning from home - so have kept doing this each morning at school. We have also been enjoying listening to a book every morning as part of the ‘Premier’s Reading Challenge’. Our favourite so far is ‘Do not open this book’ by Andy Lee. Room 9 have become expert caterpillar hunters during their Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden lessons and have learnt how to cook some delicious food too! A big thank you to all of the parents and carers for all of your hard work during remote and flexible learning. You are all amazing!


Room 18

Since returning from Remote Learning, students in Room 18 have quickly settled back into routine. Students have particularly enjoyed being able to attend specialist classes, participate in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program and engage in a range of hands on learning activities. 

Students have also enjoyed re-connecting with staff and their peers.

The students and staff in Room 18 are so happy to be back on-site learning together!!


Room 27

As part of our Science program this term, room 25 and 27 have been looking at experiments directly related to senses and exploration of the senses. To achieve these skills, students have been exploring a variety of scenarios in a physical environment and through discussion. We also talked about how everyone experiences varied levels of the senses.

When exploring the sense of touch, students worked together in terms to create slime. Students took on different duties and collaborated to complete creating the gooey substance.

When exploring sight and smell, students made their own secret messages using lemon juice and paper. When the paper was exposed to a heat source, the secret messages revealed themselves.

When exploring taste, students sampled “sweets around the world.” They sampled different sweets and used student voice to complete a survey from favourite sweet to least favourite sweet. Well done, Team ADVANCE.