Parents and Friends

The Bogans are coming!!

Mark it in your diaries - Bogan Bingo will take over the Sr. Goretti Hall at OLA on Friday the 14th June! Keep an eye out for ticket sales, which will open next term!


Surf Online Safe - Parent Information Session

Don't forget to reserve your seat for this informative and important information session. Paul Litherland is one of Australia's most in demand speakers on kids and cyber-safety, so don't miss your chance to hear his wise words for keeping our kids safe online. 

Entertainment Books

Entertainment Books for 2019/2020 are already available! If you want to update your subscription so you can enjoy the benefits over the Easter break, simply follow the link below:

OLA Sponsors Page

With the school newsletter reaching over 300 families per week, the OLA Sponsors Page in this newsletter is the perfect place to advertise your business to the school community. For just $50 per term ($5 per week!) you can tell the readers who you are, what you do and how they can contact you. It's also a great place to promote special offers for the OLA community. To arrange your placement, simply email

Contact Us

If you have anything you would like to discuss with the P&F you can contact us at or follow the school's Facebook Page for updates