Sports News


On Wednesday afternoon, students from Years 3-6 participated in a triathlon at Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre. Our triathlon coach, Kathryn, designed a wonderful course that catered for all abilities in swimming, riding and running. Students had learnt about the transition area and how to go from one leg to the next efficiently. They put this into practise on Wednesday. Thank you to those parents and siblings who supported our students in their triathlon.

CPSSA Swimming Carnival

OLA will be competing in the CPSSA Swimming Carnival on Thursday 9 May. Please ensure your child has returned their permission slip as a hard copy or by email ASAP. We will continue our training sessions at Chisholm College on Wednesday 1 May and 8 May.  Our new swimming caps will be available in the Uniform Shop by Friday 3 May.

Chisholm Swim Academy

Chisholm Catholic College is pleased to announce it is now offering a number of new programs out of the College Pool. This will include a comprehensive Learn to Swim program, private lessons as well as junior swim squads. The program is open to the community and all students are more than welcome to take part. Enrolment forms are now available for Term 2, 2019. More information available here:


Running Club

Running Club for 2019 will commence on Tuesday 30 April at 8am at Waverley Reserve. All students, younger siblings and parents are invited to run, jog or walk around a 300m course for 20 minutes. Laps are recorded each week and tallied at the end of the year. Students are to wear their sports uniform and may stay in this for the day. Parents must remain at Running Club to walk their children back to school at 8.30 or arrange for another parent to escort their child. Let’s get record numbers to Running Club leading up to our Cross Country event later in Term 2!


Mrs Jodie Stewart

Physical Education Teacher