What's Happening at OLA!

Year 6 Student Ministries

This term we have begun our Year 6 Student Leadership Ministries. The first rotation saw the students involved in a number of in school projects:

Compassion Ministry – These children were focusing on a Stations of the Cross presentation with Mrs Erskine. They were helping us to stay prayerfully connected to the Lenten journey we all take, to celebrate at Easter the risen Christ.


Sport Ministry – What a fabulous day the Year 5 and 6 students had on Monday 8 April! Mr De Pietro and his team facilitated tabloid sports at Dianella Regional Open Space. Next term, they are looking at organising Sport Ministry members to teach games to younger children at recess and lunch.

Events and Communication Ministry – So many of the students at OLA participated in the colouring in competition under the direction of Miss Figueira. They were so gorgeous and the two winners will enjoy the Easter prizes.  Some children were invited to serve at Grandparents' Morning Tea on Friday 5 April. What a wonderful event for our special grandparents!

Christian Leadership –After leading the Ash Wednesday Mass at the beginning of Lent, we had a fabulous Crazy Sock day this week on Wednesday! This enthusiastic group made beautiful posters, announced the event and collected the $2 gold coin donations for Project Compassion. How crazy are our socks!

Mrs Barclay, Miss Figueira, Mr DePietro and Mrs Erskine