Principal's Message

End of Term Prayer

We thank you Lord, for this term. For the challenges, the successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends. Give us strength and courage to do what is right; to be witnesses of our faith. Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others, to be peacemakers in our family. Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun. Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term. We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents and a community that cares for us. May we always be conscious of you in our lives.


Stations of the Cross

Yesterday, our Year 6 students led us in the Stations of the Cross. During the lead up to Holy Week, we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us by dying on the cross. The Year 6 students represented his trials during Good Friday in a reverent manner. Thank you to the families who joined us for this service.

Beginning of Term Mass

On Wednesday 1 May at 9.00am, the Year 6 Christian Service Ministry will be leading the OLA community in the Beginning of Term Mass. We hope you can come along to celebrate the start of a new term with us.

ANZAC Day Service

Please join us for our annual ANZAC Day Service on Thursday 2 May at 11.00am. The service will be held in the Sr. Goretti Hall.

Uniform 'Fire Sale' & Update

The Uniform Sale continues.


A parent approached me this week and asked me the question, "How will you know if the students not wearing the school uniform, during the transition period, are telling the truth and not just wearing free dress?" I replied by stating that I would have no idea, but then went on and mentioned The RICE Values, especially the first two, Respect and Integrity.

RICE Values Update

This term, we have focused on introducing the new values (Respect, Integrity, Compassion and Excellence) to the students and working with them to understand the common meaning. We are now excited to announce the ways we are going to implement the RICE values and share them within our community.


Next term we are going to focus on:

- The Year 6 students creating a short video clip for each value using images and captures of how the RICE values are lived out at OLA. The videos will be used as promotional material on the School Facebook page and website.

- The Year 6 students are designing a unique symbol for each value. These will be placed in locations around the school to remind the students of the values.

- A new addition to the newsletter titled, RICE is Alive at OLA, will focus on how the values are being exhibited within the classrooms. Each year level will publish an item once per fortnight.

STRETCH and REACH Programs

The STRETCH and REACH programs that were introduced at OLA in 2018 will be continuing in 2019. Students have been selected for the programs and parents have been notified of their child's participation and an outline of the projects that are being covered. These wonderful programs will be commencing in Term 2.

Term 2-4 Planner

Please see the attachment for an updated 2019 planner. This document is also located on the new school website and is updated at the start of each term. Please remember to refer to the interactive calendar on the website for the most up to date information.

Pupil Free Days - Term 2

Please be advised the following dates are pupil free days:

- Friday 31 May

- Tuesday 4 June

- Friday 5 July


Staff will be attending Professional Development on these days. 

Canteen Menu

Please see the Canteen section of this newsletter for the Term 2 menu.

Good Luck

We offer Mrs Velma Erskine all the best as she heads to Northampton in her Acting Principal's role for Term 2. We look forward to welcoming her back to OLA in Term 3.

 Year 6 Ministries

Attached to this email are the reports from each Ministry Group. Congratulations to our Year 6 students who have displayed sound leadership throughout the term, within their ministry. Commencing next term, the groups will be rotated so they're given experience in each ministry group. Thank you to Mrs Barclay, Mr De Pietro and Ms Figueira for coordinating the events and the reports.


Next Term, the students, in small groups, will be having a chat and pizza lunch with me to talk about how we can continue to grow as a school and be better at what we do at OLA. Thank you to Mrs Barclay for coordinating the above.

Innovation & Enterprise - Board Games

All OLA students are invited to board games sessions next term. Thank you to Mrs Barclay for coordinating these sessions. Parents, please read the attached flyer.

OLA Board Update

Please take the time to read the OLA Board Report, from our Board Chairperson Amanda Cipriani, in the OLA Board Section of this newsletter.

Have a safe and relaxing holiday break.


Mr Greg Martin
