General Information
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General Information
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We would like to remind families that the last day of Term 3 is tomorrow, Friday, 18th September. Classes will conclude at 1.30pm. Any students on-site will need to be collected at this time.
Reception will be closed from 3pm on Friday, 18th September and will re-open Monday, 5th October (Curriculum Day).
In recognition of the impact of COVID-19 on schools and families, the Department of Education and Training has announced an extension to the CSEF (Camp Sports Excursion Funding) to help support families who have more recently become eligible for a Health Care Card due to financial hardship.
If you have a Health Care Card that is valid on or before 5th October, 2020 , please complete and return the attached CSEF Application Form as soon as possible.
A CSEF claim can only be made once per year. If you are unsure whether you have already submitted a claim for CSEF Funding this year or should you have any other queries, please contact the Finance Office or email
Parents are reminded that if your circumstances have changed and your child is not returning to BHCS in 2021, the school requires one term’s notice in writing. Failure to provide this notice will result in one term’s fees being charged in lieu of this notice.
The Victorian Government has released the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Home Safety Plan, a resource for families to plan and implement COVID safe measures, whether at home or out in the community. A copy of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Home Safety Plan is available for download via DHHS here.
This information can also be found in the COVID Newsletter.
All information related to COVID-19 and the school's actions in relation to this have been placed in a special newsletter that is being updated 'live'.
The day-by-day section of this newsletter has been updated to include the Government's most recent announcements.
Please click here to access.
The ACSC has easy Step-by-Step Guides for individuals and families detailing basic cyber security instructions for specific software, applications and devices.
Cyber security is everyone’s responsibility:…/individuals-…/step-by-step-guides
For Cybersafety Resources, please see the BHCS Cybersafety page by clickinghere.
During difficult times, it can be hard to know where to go to get assistance. To this end, the School has made a Health & Wellbeing page available with links to organisations that can assist in areas of Mental Health and Family Violence. We also aim to make a short article available as part of this page.
Please see the BHCS Health & Wellbeing page by clicking here
Over the last few months, BHCS has been providing fee relief to the families of approximately 70 students within our school community. That’s almost 10% of our student population.
The BHCS Leadership Team are acutely aware of the disruptive impact that recent events have had on so many within our community.
The CARE Fund has been designed to support those in our community whose household income has been detrimentally impacted as a direct result of COVID-19.
Should you find yourself in this situation, we welcome you to apply for the BHCS CARE Fund via this link:
To ensure that we are able to help as many as possible, we would ask that only those with genuine need apply.
In addition to the BHCS Coronavirus CARE Fund, BHCS has also been providing reductions to some fees and levies. We have been contacted by a number of families who have asked to donate these reductions back to those in our school community who are in need.
This has prompted us to open the BHCS Community Support Fund to provide our community with the opportunity to support one another.
How can you contribute?
Belgrave Heights Christian School
BSB 633-000
Account No. 134663228
Please email if you would like to be emailed a receipt.
All donations received will be applied directly to the fee relief being provided through the BHCS Coronavirus CARE Fund to support our struggling families.
From the beginning of Term 4, all students will be required to wear the full summer uniform including a hat when outdoors at recess and lunchtime.
Please see below for Alinta Uniform Shop hours.
Postage & Order Collection
For contact-free collections, customers are recommended to select home delivery on all orders which will be dispatched twice weekly.
Contact Free ordering:
We are OPEN Online 24/7– Order online at
For urgent uniform enquiries, please call Cherie on 0434 296 474