A Heartfelt Message to our St Andrews Staff
As a St Andrews parent (Stephanie, 7C) and also a worker in Christian ministry (City Bible Forum), I just wanted to share this video with you.
Christian workers from all around Melbourne are praying for you!
We understand that the workload on our teachers has changed incalculably, and we want you to know that we care for you as brothers and sisters, and as a community.
May it be of great encouragement to you all as we come to the end of Term three.
In Christ,
Stephanie Gear
The Kindness Challenge
4C have been doing the kindness challenge for the last few weeks. Each day they were asked to do a kind act for their family/friends/neighbours.
Andrew wrote “hello” in 7 languages on his driveway, decorated it and displayed for his neighbours to see.
Haim created a cheerful painting and hang it in the front window to cheer her neighbours up.
Liam and Vanya made a handmade card for their grandparents in China and Hong Kong.
Cyree helped mum make curry for dinner and it was yummy!!!!
Hi Mrs Cheung,
I want to say a big thank you to you. I really appreciate your time and effort. It has been a long term and I am very sure that all the teachers have worked really hard. You are an awesome and hard-working teacher. Remember that God has a plan for each and every one of us.
I think that you really deserve this well-earned holiday. I cannot thank you enough in this letter. May God keep you safe and healthy.
Kind Regards,
Heidi C wrote “Yesterday I gave my mum a massage for 45 minutes. That included massaging her shoulders for 10 minutes” for the rub mum’s or dad’s back for 10 minutes kindness challenge.
Paige Cheung
Year 4 Teacher
“R U OK?” Day
Thursday 10th September was the annual reminder to check in on those around us, starting the conversation with the simple question “R U OK?”
Last week devotions were dedicated to this, with students from the Student Wellbeing Team (thanks so much Harry Rowland, Emily Hughes and Amy Muggeridge) and teachers encouraging our students to reach out and care for those who may be struggling with their mental wellbeing.
The Bible gives us many examples about looking after others:
- Titus encouraged Paul: But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus (2 Corinthians 7:6)
- God wants us to care for those who may not necessarily be our friends: the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
- Proverbs 17:17: A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need (New Living); A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity (NIV)
What if you’re not OK?
Strategies to help improve wellbeing:
- Thankfulness diary (write 3 things a day that you’re thankful for)
- Perform a random act of kindness (big or small) every day
- Get the basics right: talk to God, read the Bible, eat and sleep well, drink plenty of water; get some fresh air, sunshine and exercise!
- Routine is important eg. make your bed!
- Acknowledge your feelings; accept them and don’t overthink them
- Give yourself some things to look forward to: a Zoom bake-off or a meal swap
There are lots of resources, particularly for this current season. You are not alone if you are finding lockdown difficult! Below are resources available with a mental health expert to talk to or text, or websites with strategies:
- Contact school – let a teacher or the Wellbeing Team know
- Contact your GP
- Kids Helpline (24/7) 1300 55 1300
- 9583 CARE or 9583 2273
- Lifeline (24/7) 13 11 14
- Christian Counselling Centres
- Websites eg. Beyond Blue
Mrs Jo deMeester
Wellbeing Co-ordinator
Fathers Day Food Deliveries
Foothills Community Care is a Christian organisation that has distributed over 14,000 meals to many vulnerable and isolated people, thanks to the efforts of a great team of volunteers and partners in the eastern suburbs during the pandemic so far.
Some of the St Andrews staff were recently involved in the Big Father’s Day Drive from Foothills Community Care delivering gourmet meals to struggling families in the Eastern Suburbs for Fathers' Day. This was a great way to serve our local community and make the most of the opportunity of this season.
Andrew Farmer
Missions Service Learning Coordinator
Congratulations on Completing Term 3!