1L Scavenger Hunt
In Science and Humanities we looked at 'What Is On The Earth?'
1L Observes the Weather
Students in 1L have recently taken the time to look at sunsets and sunrises. Here are some wonderful photos of the sky that students have captured!
Another activity was to make rain gauges to record rainfall. It was wonderful to see the creativity of 1L in our weather exploration.
Amazing 3D structures were also created by our happy Year 1 Learners.
Mrs Melanie Lepileo
Year 1 Teacher
Year 3 Writing Task
Year 3A spoke about what it means to be STILL in God’s presence.
“Be STILL and know that I am God…”. Psalm 46: 10
The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be STILL. Exodus 14:14
Here are a few of their thoughts:
See God all around you
Talk to God
Ignore other noises
Listen for God’s voice
List ways to love God and worship Him
Try to hear from God
Invite God into your heart
Let God take control
Listen to God’s music
Speak to God
Take time with God
Isolate yourself
Look at God’s creation
Love God with all your heart
Spend time alone with God
Talk freely to God
Ignore temptation
Let go and let God take control
Learn God’s word
Anthea Albertus
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
Year 4 students Anders Pees and Erin Bird wrote a comic cartoon in English, using words from their spelling list. They integrated the words so well with their story.
Here Year 4V student Erin is making a potion using litres and millilitres during an online maths lesson.
Year 4 students have also been reading their own books during on-line learning and did a book review on their favourite book. Read Charlie Wong and Elva Shang's book review below.
Year 4 Students also did some wonderful work for Fathers day:
Mrs Gail van Heerden & Mrs Paige Cheung
Year 4 Teachers
Year 8 Passion Projects - Theme: Heavenly Treasure/Contrast
During Online Learning, it can be challenging to find motivation, especially if you are used to a bustling art room with lots of creativity surrounding you!
Students in Year 8 are digging deep as they face the theme of “Heavenly vs Earthly Treasure: Contrast”. They are using whatever they have ‘lying around’ their homes such as wood, food, paper, fabric, paint, pencils, t-shirts, chicken wire, canvasses, sticky tape and more! The students are tracking their progress and journaling all the ways they are facing difficulty and overcoming obstacles. I am so impressed by them.
Thank you to all of you amazing parents who have supported your child to get messy, creative and for helping them solve a myriad of practical problems along the way.
We hope to have an exhibition of works at the College later in Term 4 (we pray!) and to showcase perhaps an online exhibition of these works in Term 4 – stay tuned!
Short Film Project - Paper Animation
Our wonderful Year 7 Artists have been creating a short film project using paper animation and Stop Motion Studio Pro where they tell the story of their cultural heritage. Students have been researching, talking with grandparents and encountering personal stories of trial and triumph, often where family have overcome diversity and God has brought them through. The animations will be showcased in Term 4, but here are some pictures of the process.
Personal Culture Portrait
WOW! The Year 6s have been diligently building their analysis skills as they look at the work of Indigenous artist Julie Dowling. Her works feature cultural & Christian icons and photographic portraits of loved ones.
Our students are making a Personal Culture Portrait in her style! They have been developing their critical analysis skills, sketching and form making as they build their understanding that God has created us uniquely and placed all of us in a particular time and place for His purposes. Here are some of their plasticine facial features and more!
Marina Heading
Middle School Art Teacher
Primary Virtual Athletics
St Andrews’ Primary Virtual Athletics has begun and the students are smashing it! The students are practising and performing their athletics activities from their own backyard in preparation of a (potential) real athletics program in Term 4 when learning resumes on campus.
We have had over 460 entries so far for the Virtual Athletics and the competition is fierce - DEAKIN is currently in the lead with BARTON and PARKES only 10 points behind!
Special shout-out to the following students who are smashing the “10 Activity Bonus Point Challenge”
- Joshua Chen
- Deanna Hu
- Zoe Appleby
- Devon Riley Martinez
- Aylin Choi
- David Tan
- Annabelle Choi
Keep up the awesome work guys!
St Andrews Sport Department
Year 6 Drama
The Year 6 classes have been working on puppetry this term in Drama. They created puppets, and they have made two music videos for the Junior students.
6C have performed to Colin Buchanan’s “Are you serving Captain Jesus?”
6N have performed to “Jesus, you are my treasure”
Karen Elbourne
Drama Teacher
Creative Text Response for Midsummer Night's Dream - Yr 9 English
Shakespearean Sonnet by Samantha
Lysander to Hermia
‘Tis the beginning of spring, the buds bloom,
Birds singing remind me of thy sweet voice.
The flowers smell like thy divine perfume,
Ay! Thy presence gives me much to rejoice.
Thou art more fragrant, how can one compare
Thy beauty, even a rose seems so plain.
At crack of dawn, thy shines like diamond rare,
My love for thee, I just cannot explain.
But sun will set and roses will perish,
Fair love, we are “two bosoms interchainèd”,
Thy love, thy grace, I will always cherish.
I promise to keep thee from feeling pained.
Nothing can part us, not ocean, not death,
Because I love thee with every breath.
Shakespearean Sonnet by Arisha
Comparing Helena to Hermia from Helenas perspective
Shakespearean Sonnet by Jai
Thou wast my beloved love for life, nay?
As we shone like a star that doth take off
“Grown so high in his esteem”, ay.
Oh Lysander oh why have you doff’d
Whence hast thee found love for a caitiff ill.
That to shre a woman who speaks her mind
Feeling so empty with a heart to fill
Even as I find my way through the mines.
What part of me is it that is lacking
Or a part of her that is fain and fair.
My heart feeling like it's low in ranking
How is it that such love can be despaired.
Shredded like paper torn to tiny bits
Nothing seems as though it shall ever fit.
The Grand Hour is Arriving - by Irena
"Stir up the Athenian youth to merriment; awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth; Turn melancholy forth to funerals: The pale companion is not for our pomp." With eager ears to listen and eyes to read, stay awake to hear about the upcoming, grand event of the century. May all Athenian folk start to rise up, high in both spirits and cheerfulness, for in a few days' time, a Wedding like no other is arriving and a large and extravagant ceremony shall be held on the blessed day of the soon to be wedded, where in 4 moons, our duke Theseus and his betrothed, lovely Hippolyta shall exchange vows promising to be bound together in fellowship for eternity, or as our grand duke calls it, "The sealing-day betwixt my love and me, For everlasting bond of fellowship". Now under the duke's command, go and sunder any confederacies that despises against him and his queen, set the mourning and misery behind, for the dark night will soon withdraw from the face of Athens. To the duke, do courtesies and make haste to spread this joyous news. Stir up all from cur to nobles to prepare them for dancing and singing in merriment. Now, how has this gallant moment appeared to us? After a successful conquering of the Amazons, our duke has managed to capture over the heart of their queen Hippolyta. "Hippolyta, I wooed thee with my sword, and won thy love doing thee injuries; But i will wed thee in another key, with pomp, with triumph, and with reveling". By the sword, our mighty duke had charmed and wooed the fair Hippolyta and has rightfully won her love by doing her injuries, and even still, he wishes to wed her with pomp and reveling. It is by destiny, that they are they engaged and are longingly waiting for the arrival of the hour that they will be united. They are currently resting within the walls of the palace of Theseus with neither enmity nor hostility between them. As the impending union between the two lovers draws near, as will a new age also commence in commemoration of the joyous moment. Who could ask for more? The fair Hippolyta, said to be comparable to a divine, celestial Goddess, and outshining any nymph or beauty, will be conjoined with our most gracious duke, whose renowned, absolute power reins rightfully over all of Athens. The fates and Gods have blessed our land by giving us such a time as this. Therefore, spread the word and stay gleeful until the day that the nuptial hour arrives, that you may send your blessings to both their marriage and their future generations. Further announcements may be handed out to keep you informed for the upcoming grand event.
Penelope Connolly
English Teacher