A Tribute to "Crazy for You" - A 'Zoomsical'
Dear College Community,
I am so pleased to be able to share the links to our 2020 College “Zoomsical” with you, "A Tribute to Crazy for You".
At the start of the year, when we talked to the production students about our Psalm 33:3 mission statement for our planned College musical production, we had no idea the challenges that this year would bring. The motto of “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy” has permeated all that we have done as a Performing Arts department while working on this project.
When so many things were uncertain for our students this year, and so many things they usually get to do at school were taken away, we knew that continuing to provide a theatrical opportunity and a community for them was very important. As a team, we committed to seeing the project through, in whatever form was possible.
Adapting performing to an online setting had all sorts of challenges! How do you act with others, when you are isolated from each other? How do you involve 75 actors in scenes, when Zoom doesn’t allow you to talk at the same time as each other? How do you dance and sing in time with others, when Zoom involves a delay and struggles to record music? How do you make a set, or incorporate props?
We are so proud of our creative students, who have risen to work with, and meet those challenges time and time again. We know they have learned so much through being part of a unique “Zoomsical” experience. It is hard to remember sometimes, when watching them perform, that they are acting alone, in their homes, to an iPad screen!
In creating this show, we aimed to find a balance between making the show work as a “Zoomsical” by having students record footage alone and in groups, using existing rehearsal footage, and giving the students an authentic experience performing with and in front of others. As you watch, you may find it useful to have the attached synopsis of the show handy, so you can follow the story more easily.
We offer this Zoomsical to the College Community as a gift for your enjoyment, with love from the staff and students involved.
A Tribute to 'Crazy for You' - Act One:
A Tribute to 'Crazy for You' - Act Two:
Karen Elbourne
Music Performance Week
Over 5 nights last week a new YouTube video was posted at 7.00pm featuring students from our Performing Arts Department who played a selection of favourite songs on their chosen instruments. Check out the musical delights here.
Thank you to all of the students who participated in our first ever Virtual Instrumental Concert Series in Music Performance Week!
This year has been quite a challenge for instrumental music students. One of the greatest joys about learning an instrument is being able to perform to family and friends. While admittedly a virtual concert is not quite the same as a live audience, I hope that all students enjoyed the opportunity to showcase their talents and gifts to the wider school community through these videos.
We have put together a series of 7 concerts showcasing the various instruments students are studying at St Andrews. Within these videos you will see a wide range of student progress. Some students have only been learning for a few weeks while others are working on putting their pieces together for VCE Music Performance. One of the things about these concerts was seeing all students come together under a common theme of glorifying the Lord through their performance.
I would also like to thank all our wonderful instrumental music teachers for helping in preparing students for this concert.
I would like to finish with a bible verse that has been central to the performing arts team this year...
Sing to him a new song; play skilfully, and shout for joy. - Psalm 33:3
Luke Batty
Head of Performing Arts
Our Unchanging God - From the Learning Support Team
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
We serve an unchanging God and the situation that we find ourselves in has not taken him by surprise! What a comfort it is to remember that each day.
Despite the changes that are happening all around us, we want you to know that we are still here supporting your child in their learning. As we reflect on this term, we are aware that it has had its fair share of challenges, but we have also seen so much growth in students and staff.
Teachers and Learning Assistants have continued to support students on campus as well as online. Positive relationships have developed and grown, we have seen students develop greater resilience and ways to problem solve.
As we head into the school holidays, still with restrictions here are a few ideas:
- Encourage healthy choices – exercise, eating well, fresh air, move away from screens, gardening.
- Find creative ways to connect with others – write a letter, play a game over zoom, phone calls.
- Build an indoor cubby or outside tepee.
- Scavenger hunts.
- Puzzles, card games and board games.
- Paper plane making – turn it into a competition.
- Build a marble run.
Whatever you do, I pray that you are able to relax, reflect, refresh, and recharge.
Diamond poems by Angus Harmer Year 5L
Brown, huge
cutting, storing, growing
queen, minim-worker, worker, media
Feeding, collecting, expanding
Big-headed, rough
Brown, fierce
Spewing, collecting, fighting
Queen, worker, melee, nursery
Swarm, build, gather
Territorial, defenders
Shirley Gillie
Head of Learning Support
Catch Up Viewing
Fathers' Day Webinar
If you enjoyed our recent Fathers’ Day webinar now you can watch it again and listen to the wise words of our Principal Mrs Catriona Wansbrough, Deputy Principal Mr Tim Farmilo, College Chaplain Mr Warwick Grant and College Parent Mr Craig Hughes.
It really was a lovely evening that celebrated Fathers and their often overlooked contributions, an inspiring hour of encouragement for all parents. So be encouraged by some fathers in our College community and glean their wisdom and experience in parenting.
If you missed this precious time together – you can catch up below.