Parenting Tip

Is the Cyberbullying Coming from Inside the House?

What it is:  A new study of over 12,000 kids 11-15 showed that teens who perceive their parents as loving are less likely to engage in cyberbullying.


Why it’s important to understand: Just like regular bullies, cyberbullies operate from a love deficit. For people of faith, this isn’t necessarily breaking news – when we aren’t given love, we often act out of hurt, and it holds true for kids and parents alike. But an interesting wrinkle here is the perception (or lack thereof) that the teens surveyed reported. They were more likely to become cyberbullies when they perceived that they were less loved, not necessarily because they were neglected or had cruel parents. Let’s make sure that we are giving our teens a form of love that they can understand and perceive, by speaking their love language.



This article taken from The Culture Translator   Vol. 6, Issue 36.